Deliver online training to international education leaders

UK training providers can apply to support the British Council to deliver its Internationalisation Learning Cohorts online training programme.

Internationalisation Learning Cohorts is a British Council initiative designed to strengthen internationalisation and transnational education by bringing together an interested group of higher education institution leaders and tertiary education leaders and experts from UK and overseas.

The aim of the cohort is to encourage a sustained dialogue on a relevant theme, to develop a greater understanding of a prominent aspect of tertiary education and to facilitate virtual network with peers around the globe.

This iteration of the initiative will be delivered online to participants in China, Malaysia, Myanmar, Indonesia and Vietnam.

How to apply

If you are interested in bidding for this tender, please log in at and register your company details. Then follow the steps below.

If you company is already registered, please log in and the follow the steps below.

  1. From the home screen, click on 'Log in'
  2. Click on 'Tenders'
  3. Click on 'Current Tenders'
  4. In the search field, input the tender name UK_360 - Internationalisation Learning Cohorts or BC/reference BC/03620 and press 'Enter'
  5. Click on 'View Details'
  6. Click on 'Express Interest'
  7. You will then have access to the documents

You can send your clarification questions through the portal.

Action Required

Submit your tender via the InTend portal using the steps above.

Application deadline: 30 September. 

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