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  • Deadline extension: Opportunity to promote schools, colleges, and pathways to higher education to Thai parents and students

Deadline extension: Opportunity to promote schools, colleges, and pathways to higher education to Thai parents and students

The market for schools and pre-university programmes in Thailand has been growing consistently. In 2018, the number of Tier 4 Child visa holders from Thailand has increased by nearly 20% over the last five years. In addition, the number of students from Thailand enrolling at independent schools in the UK in 2018/19 has increased by over 20% over the last five years. 

The Guide to UK Schools, Colleges, and Pathways to Higher Education gives prospective Thai parents and students essential information on studying school and pre-university programmes in the UK. The guidebook will be in both Thai and English in order to reach a wider target audience. The 2019 Guidebook is attached to provide an example of the layout.

Promotional opportunities in this guidebook are available to schools, colleges, universities offering international foundation programmes, and further education institutions offering pre-university qualifications such as A-levels.


  • Dimension: A4, full colour
  • Print run: 4,000 copies
  • Language: Thai and English
  • Shelf life: one year (March 2020–March 2021)

Special elements of the Guide to UK Schools and Colleges 2020

  • The guidebook will be in both Thai and English.
  • The guidebook will be available in both hard copy and digital format for a wider reach.
  • The first 20 institutions to book for the space in the guidebook will be given a complimentary boosted post on the Study UK Facebook page to reach a wider target audience.
  • In addition to Thai markets, the publication will also be distributed in Laos, where a similar language is used and text in Thai can be understood.

Planned distribution

  • Parents/students/UK alumni on the database interested in UK education
  • UK school events and other British Council activities aimed at the appropriate target group
  • Potential schools, agents, and business partners across Thailand
  • Available at the five British Council offices throughout the year
  • Sports clubs, office buildings, and other places to attract prospective parents

Participation fee and services included

We are pleased to offer profile or advertising space in the guidebook to schools and colleges in the UK. Each profile will consist of the following:

  • Information on the institution
  • Tuition fees
  • Photos and logo of the institution
  • A map showing the location of the UK institution
  • Contact details
  • Content translation into Thai and editing
  • Preparation of artwork for a profile page

Two profile pages (in Thai and English)


Translation fee and artwork included

Inside back cover


Two complimentary profile pages (in Thai and English)

Inside front cover


Two complimentary profile pages (in Thai and English)

Back cover


Two complimentary profile pages (in Thai and English)

* Excluding applicable VAT

Special discounts

A 10% discount will be offered to UK institutions participating at any of the three Study UK fairs in Thailand during 2019/2020: Study UK Fair in July 2019, Study UK Schools and Colleges Fair in October 2019, and Study UK Fair in January 2020.

How to become part of the guidebook

Please complete the online form at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/M59K6QB  

Booking deadline

Deadline extended to 11 March 2020

Action Required

How to become part of the guidebook

Please complete the online form at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/M59K6QB