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  • Deadline Extended - Opportunity for UK ELT providers: Promote your schools through the “British Council English Language Study Guidebook 2017” to be published in Japan

Deadline Extended - Opportunity for UK ELT providers: Promote your schools through the “British Council English Language Study Guidebook 2017” to be published in Japan

Following the successful launch of the first “Education UK English Language Study Guidebook” in March 2016, the British Council in Japan will publish the second edition of the guidebook in March 2017 and we are offering up to 25 UK ELT providers space to promote your schools in the guidebook.

The first edition, published in March 2016 [online version: http://issuu.com/bceastasia/docs/education-uk-english-language-study/1?e..., proved very popular among Japanese institutions and students. More than 2,600 copies have already been distributed amongst prospective students and it is expected all copies will be distributed by the end of the year.   

This guidebook aims to help UK English language schools capitalize on the recent growth of the English language learning market in Japan which has been catalyzed by education reforms aiming to improve the level of English language amongst young people in Japan.

Two key recent government reforms:

1. Revision of the elementary school curriculum to double the English lesson hours for 10-12 year olds and the introduction of “foreign language activities” for 8-10 year olds. https://education-services.britishcouncil.org/news/market-news/japanese-government-announces-change-english-language-education-primary-school 

2. In 2015 the government launched a funding programme supporting short-term language study (2-3 weeks) for senior high school students. This programme is expected to continue until 2020. https://education-services.britishcouncil.org/news/market-news/latest-3rd-round-of-mext-tobitate-ryugaku-scholarships-%E2%80%93-opportunity-promote-your

The guidebook will consist of contents prepared by the British Council highlighting the strengths of English language teaching in the UK along with information on participating schools. The printed version of the guidebook (3,000 copies) will be distributed widely to Japanese students and schools, while the on-line version will be downloadable through the British Council Japan’s main website for promoting study opportunities in the UK and various other channels.

UK English language schools and centres (for eligibility please see below) are invited to promote their schools and provide an overview of their courses in the guidebook. A maximum of 25 places are being made available. Each profile page will consist of:

  • School name, logo, and contact details
  • Information about accreditation
  • Brief information about the school (up to 350 words)
  • Tuition fees
  • Up to three photographs of the school (the British Council, Japan will select 1-3 photographs that best fit the space)

Contents of the guidebook

  1. Strengths and attractions of English language study in the UK
  2. [Featured article] Young learners’ courses
  3. [Featured article] Teacher training courses
  4. [Featured article] English Plus
  5. A map of the UK to show the location of the schools (prepared by the British Council)
  6. UK course information (profile of each school)  

Guidebook specifications:

  • Dimensions: W169×D229
  • Approximately 44 pages, full colour
  • Print run: 3,000 copies
  • Shelf life: 1 year (from March 2017 to March 2018)

Publication targeted at:

  • Japanese prospective students of UK English language schools and centres
  • Academic / non-academic staff at elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and universities
  • Parents

*Please note we publish separate guidebooks to promote boarding school education and university short-term programmes.

Distribution plan (printed version)

The guidebook will be distributed through the following channels:

  • British Council events including two Education UK Exhibitions (March and October, 2017). Total estimated attendance: 1,400.
  • In-house study abroad seminars focusing on English language study (3 seminars throughout 2017). Total estimated attendance:  90
  • External study abroad events organised by universities and schools throughout Japan. Total estimated attendance:  1,000
  • British Council training seminars for local English teachers. Total estimated attendance:   150
  • British Council Teaching Centre students (approximately 160 students)
  • Local schools and universities (approximately 200 students)

On-line version

An on-line version of the guidebook will be available on the British Council Japan’s main website for promoting study opportunities in the UK in easy-to-view PDF format for one year. The Education UK website, which is currently our main website to promote UK education, receives an average of 8,120 unique users and over 80,000 page views per month. The link will be advertised through:

  • The British Council corporate e-flyer (11,000 subscribers), Facebook (14,000 likes) and Twitter (12,600 followers) accounts
  • Japan Official IELTS Facebook page (4,600 likes) and IELTS Japan Official blog (average monthly visits: 2,000)
  • Education UK e-newsletters (1,900 subscribers)
  • British Council Teaching Centre e-newsletters (3,100 subscribers)


English language schools (including language centres affiliated with colleges and universities) in the UK that are either listed on the UK Visas and Immigration of Tier 4 Sponsors, or listed by one of the following:

  • Accreditation Body for Language Services
  • Accreditation Service for International Colleges
  • Accreditation UK
  • Bridge Schools Inspectorate
  • British Accreditation Council
  • Education and Training Inspectorate (in Northern Ireland)
  • Estyn (in Wales)
  • HM Inspectorate of Education (in Scotland)
  • Independent Schools Inspectorate
  • Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted)
  • Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
  • Schools Inspection Service

Rates for placing your profiles:

  • One profile page: £450*
  • Full page advertisement ** (inside front cover) + profile page within guidebook: £650
  • Full page advertisement ** (inside back cover) + profile page within guidebook: £550
  • Full page advertisement** (back cover) + profile page within guidebook: £700

*translation fee and artwork inclusive
**advertisement to be prepared by the school

All prices are exclusive of VAT. Invoices will be sent in February 2017.

Production schedule

Deadline for booking space             19 December 2016
Deadline for texts/images/artwork      10 January 2017
Publication                                            late-March 2017

Important note:

Please note that we may cancel the publication of this guidebook if we receive applications from less than 18 schools. The application will be closed once all 25 slots are filled.

Action Required

To reserve a space, please complete the attached booking form and send it to:
JP_BC-SIEM@britishcouncil.org by 19 December 2016.  Please note, applications will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis.


If you have any enquiries about this opportunity please write to:

Rui Ogura
Projects Officer (Education)
British Council Japan
Email: JP_BC-SIEM@britishcouncil.org
Tel: +81 3 3235 7955

General enquiries about the ELT market:

Ayako Towatari
Projects Manager (Education)
British Council Japan
Email: ayako.towatari@britishcouncil.or.jp
Tel: +81 3 3235 8043

Action Required

To reserve a space, please complete the attached booking form and send it to:
JP_BC-SIEM@britishcouncil.org by 19 December 2016.  Please note, applications will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis.