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Deadline is extended: A Chinese Provincial-Level University seeks a UK partner for administrative staff training

A Chinese Provincial-Level University in Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, is looking for a UK partner to design and deliver a two-week teacher training programme on university administrative management during the summer of 2017.


A Chinese local university under Shaanxi Province administration (211 Project) is looking for a UK partner to deliver an administrative management training programme to a group of 20-25 university staff. The programme should be designed to focus on different aspects of administrative management, including human resources, finance, academic management, alumni communication etc. and to be delivered in the UK during July or August 2017 as a two-week programme.


  • Improving the administrative management skills of Chinese university staff
  • Shadowing UK university staff and observing their routine work


The partnering UK institution will:

  • receive financial reimbursement for their support, to be further negotiated with Chinese partner  
  • have the opportunity to build their brand among Chinese HEI teachers, which may support future cooperation
  • have the opportunity to build their brand as an administrative management training expert
  • increase their university reputation in Northwest China
  • develop a long-standing partnership with the Chinese partner with potential for further teacher training opportunities and long-term collaboration.


The UK partner should be experienced in delivering training courses on university administrative management and will be expected to design and deliver a suitable two-week training programme that includes the below modules:

  • University Administrative Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Financial Management
  • Entrepreneur and Employment support for college students
  • Alumni Communication
  • Other relevant topics

The UK partner will also be expected to provide:

  • accommodation at local host families or student halls
  • three meals per day
  • extra-curricular activities and cultural sightseeing
  • the opportunity to learn through shadowing UK university staff
  • transport to and from the airport
  • a letter of invitation to support the visa application process
  • a certificate of completion at the end of the training

The Chinese university will provide the following services:

  • select university staff in China
  • provision of supervisors to assist all staff throughout the training
  • coordination of staff’s UK visa applications and international ticket booking
  • guidance for Chinese university staff before they leave for the UK
  • providing feedback from the Chinese university staff after each training session

Action Required

Extended Deadline: UK providers interested in this opportunity should send the following information to siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by Friday 27 January 2017 12 noon GMT:

  • a one-page introduction of your organisation
  • a proposed training programme (for ten working days) and the CV’s of the nominated trainer(s)
  • a quotation outlining all the costs for delivering a ten-day training programme for 25 teachers, covering the tuition, activities, accommodation, meals, local transport and extra-curricular activities, as well as the expected costs for the trainers

Please kindly note that the British Council will charge a management fee equivalent to 20 per cent of the final agreed programme fee. This management fee will cover liaison between the UK provider and the Chinese partner, pre-training set-up, post-training follow-up and on-site visits upon request. Please include the management fee in the quotation after all other costs have been accounted for.