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Dalian University of Technology seeks UK partner for Logistics, Engineering or Computing Undergraduate Joint Programme

Dalian University of Technology would like to work with a UK university to establish a 3+1 or 4+0 undergraduate joint programme in logistics, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering or computing, all subject areas where the university has recognised strengths.

About Dalian University of Technology

Dalian University of Technology, a national key university under the Ministry of Education, is the only 985 and 211 university in Liaoning and is considered to be the best in the province.

Originally the School of Engineering of Dalian University, it was established independently as Dalian Institute of Technology in 1950 and renamed as Dalian University of Technology (DUT) in 1988.

DUT has three campuses in two cities, Dalian and Panjin and covers an area of 1.7 square miles. It has 3,600 faculty members, including 2,000 full time teachers and 600 professors. It has 34,700 full time students, including 13,300 postgraduate 20,700 undergraduate and 700 international students.

DUT has a multi-disciplinary system including science, engineering, economics, management, humanities, law, philosophy and arts with a strong focus on science and engineering.

DUT has a joint science and engineering institute with Ritsumeikan University from Japan.

About Dalian

Dalian is a major city and seaport in the south of Liaoning Province. It is the southernmost city of Northeast China.

In its working plan for 2015 Liaoning Department of Education put a strong emphasis on the importance of internationalisation and encouraged many education joint ventures in Dalian.

Dalian has 21 higher education institutions and has 5 joint programmes and 2 joint institutes with UK Universities that have been approved by the Ministry of Education in Dalian.

According to a nationwide appraisal by the National Bureau of Statistics, Dalian ranks eighth among Chinese cities in terms of overall economic strength. Dalian’s key industries are petrochemicals, shipbuilding, electronics, ICT and machinery and the provincial government envisages Dalian becoming a logistics hub for north-east Asia by 2020.

Action Required

UK universities interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn