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Dalian Minzu University is seeking UK partners to jointly develop and deliver international exchange programmes


Dalian Minzu University’s Department of International Business is looking for UK partners to support in the development and delivery of the following initiatives:

  • exchange programmes and summer courses in the UK for Chinese students
  • short-term teacher training programmes in China for Chinese teachers
  • joint research and co-publication of papers
  • joint student articulation programmes

All of the above initiatives will focus on subject areas related to accounting, financial management, and international economics, business and trade.

Dalian Minzu University is also happy to discuss providing tailor-made short-term study programmes for UK partners whose students are interested in learning more about Chinese culture, language or art.


This is a great opportunity for UK institutions to develop a partnership with a Chinese higher education institution specialising in economics and international trade, with potential for expansion into other subject areas. It is also a chance to build brand awareness in Dalian, which may lead to future business opportunities across Liaoning province and the rest of China.

Areas of responsibility for the two collaborating parties

The selected UK partner will be expected to work with Dalian Minzu University to:

  • jointly develop and deliver tailor-made exchange programmes and summer courses (15 to 20 days) in the UK for Chinese students
  • jointly develop and deliver tailor-made short-term teacher training programmes in China for Chinese teachers to learn about teaching methodologies, classroom activities, and curriculum design
  • jointly conduct research and co-publish papers in the agreed areas
  • jointly develop curricula for the student articulation programmes
  • provide support in the quality assurance of all the above programmes

Dalian Minzu University Department of International Business will:

  • recruit Chinese students for the exchange programmes and summer courses in the UK
  • recruit Chinese teachers for the teacher training programmes in China, and cover flight tickets, accommodation, and fees for the trainers
  • jointly conduct research and co-publish papers in the agreed areas
  • provide teaching staff, facilities, and logistical support for the articulation programmes

Brief introduction of Dalian Minzu University and its Department of International Business

Founded in 1984, Dalian Minzu University is located in Dalian, the second largest city in China’s Liaoning province. Its Department of International Business specialises in accounting, financial management, and international economics, business and trade. It is home to more than 1,700 undergraduate students and a faculty of more than 50. Through international co-operation it has developed programmes with nearly 50 foreign universities across Europe, the US, Japan, and the Republic of Korea.

Action Required

How to participate

UK institutions interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 25 September 2016, providing a one-page introduction of their organisation alongside an expression of interest to support the internationalisation of Dalian Minzu University’s Department of International Business, as well as any examples of past experience in delivering similar programmes.


25 September 2016

Deadline for expressions of interest

30 October 2016

UK partner institutions to be selected