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Creative Industries series: FFWD Advertising and Marketing Week 2017

British Council Canada is pleased to announce our second event of our Creative Industries series.

Event: FFWD Advertising and Marketing Week
Dates: 30 January and 1 February 2017
Deadline for registration: 21 October 2016

FFWD Advertising and Marketing Week (www.advertisingweek.ca) was launched in 2009 and grown into Canada’s largest and most diverse annual gathering of advertising, marketing and media leaders, attracting 7,000+ influential attendees to Toronto. This week consist of international keynote speakers, conferences, seminars, awards, panel presentation and Next Generation day event. This week is spearheaded by the Institute of Communication Agencies (ICA) in conjunction with the associations, agencies, advertisers and public service partners in the communication industry.
Audience: Students, Government, Client/Advertiser, Agency, Media/PR, etc.
Next Generation day event :
• It is an important component of FFWD Advertising and Marketing Week.
• It attracts 250+ university and college students from 20+academic institutions across Ontario and Quebec.
• The students learn first-hand about the industry and immerse themselves in the real word of a potential career in marketing communications.

Opportunities for UK universities to showcase any of the following programmes:
• Business
• Marketing, including specialized marketing programmes (e.g. Fashion and Marketing, Sport and Marketing, etc.)
• Advertising
• Public Relations
• Communications
• TV production, radio, print and new media

Objectives :
• To raise awareness about opportunities to study Business, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Communication or TV production, radio, print and new media in the UK
• To showcase undergrad and post-graduate programmes related to Business, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Media Production industry and all programmes listed above.

Target markets:
• Students: 17-26 year old students enrolled at a University or College across Ontario and Quebec.
• Business partners: Canadian universities who will be participating in this event, government and potential employers.

a)Morning Master Series / Monday, 30 January 2017, from 9am-10am
Opportunity to deliver a short presentation/ lecture (8 to 10 min) on a progressive topic or theme inherent to the Marketing and Advertising industry.

b) Next Generation Day / Wednesday, 1 February 2017 (morning time TBC: 1hr - 1.5 hrs. approx.) and (4pm-6pm)
Possibility for UK universities to co-host the following events:
* The after party (4pm-6pm) at a local bar in downtown Toronto (attendees: students and businesses)
* The Spring Appreciation Gathering for about 50 interns (morning time TBC: 1hr to1.5 hrs. approx.)

Opportunity to include logos in event agenda

Cost per university (one representative): £2,200 + VAT

*Additional opportunities:
a) To coordinate school visits, prior or after FFWD event for an additional cost.
b) French translation services for collateral (for the Québécois market attending this event) for an additional cost.

Maximum number of universities: 7

Deadline for registration: 21 October 2016

Action Required

For more information please contact: Odette Valero at odette.valero@britishcouncil.org