Creative Industries Masters Scholarship Programme - Colombia

Today, a new and exciting scholarship programme is being launched in Colombia.

What is it?
As part of its 80th Anniversary, the British Council in Colombia will be jointly launching with COLFUTURO (one of the main funding bodies in the country) the BRICC* scholarship programme (British Council Colombian Creative Industries, for its acronym in Spanish).

We will be offering 15 scholarships of £13,000 to Colombian students interested in pursuing a Creative Industries Masters programme in the UK.

*Information on the BRICC scholarship programme will be jointly communicated with COLFUTURO on the 8th January.

Why the Creative Industries?
British Council was the first institution to ever develop work in the Creative Industries (CI) in Colombia, and it has played a pivotal role not only in the development of the creative sector in itself, but also in helping develop the skills and understanding of some of the most important governmental bodies developing programmes and policies in this field. With the inclusion of Creative Economy as one of the drivers of the current government’s development agenda, this scholarship scheme at a postgraduate level will help foster further growth in the creative sector, aiding the government’s priority to support economic growth and social stability through the arts and culture.

Eligible Programmes
We’ve identified 27 Master’s programmes in the UK which specifically focus on the Creative Industries. Students who are selected as part of COLFUTURO’s Scholarship-Loan programme are eligible to obtain the BRICC scholarship as long as they are accepted in one of these Master’s programmes. See the list attached and please do let us know if you have a programme which you believe should be included.

Call for applications
The call for applications will open through COLFUTURO’s website on the 8th January and closes on 28 February 2019. Students do not need to have their unconditional offer by the time the call closes, but they need to demonstrate they have started their application process with the institution of their choice. Results will be published on 14 May 2019.

If you have any doubt about the Scholarship scheme, please get in touch with Bárbara de Castro (

Action Required

Please review the list of eligible programmes attached, and get in touch with Bárbara de Castro ( if you believe you have a Creative Industries focused Masters that should be included.

If you're already on the list of eligible programmes, ensure you promote this opportunity to your contacts in Colombia to increase the number of applications you receive.

If you have any doubt about the Scholarship scheme, please get in touch with Barbara de Castro.

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