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Contribute to the British Council China's Study UK Green Innovation Campaign 2019

UK universities interested in raising the profile of their teaching and research in green innovation-related subjects are invited to contribute to the British Council’s Study UK Green Innovation Campaign 2019, which will take place alongside the Beijing Expo 2019, an international horticultural exhibition and the largest international event for China in 2019.  

The Study UK campaign aims to raise the profile of UK higher education. It aims to promote the UK as the first-choice study destination to international students and their influencers. The Study UK campaign is led and delivered by the British Council in partnership with the UK government’s GREAT Britain campaign.

Target subjects of the Study UK Green Innovation Campaign include but are not limited to:

  • Environmental science and engineering
  • Sustainable architecture
  • Sustainable/renewable energy
  • Food science and engineering
  • Agriculture
  • Horticulture
  • Green finance

Key promotion channels the integrated campaign includes:

  • Promotion of digital content (articles, pictures, posters, and videos) on the official website of the UK Pavilion at Beijing Expo 2019
  • Themed promotion on Study UK social media channels in China
  • Promotion of digital content on the British Council China website
  • Onsite showcase of digital content at Study UK offline activities at the China Education Expo and the Best of British Showcase in the autumn of 2019.

Why contribute?

  • Support the Study UK campaign position UK higher education institutions as leaders in teaching and research in the target subject areas among Chinese prospective students and education partners
  • Leverage association with the Beijing Expo 2019 to generate interest from local media and target audiences
  • Involve your Chinese alumni in content development and promotion to support them on their return to China

About Beijing Expo 2019

Beijing Expo 2019 is an international horticultural exhibition and the largest international event of 2019 in China with an anticipated 16 million visitors from April to October 2019 when the expo is open to the public. The core theme of the Beijing Expo 2019 is ‘Live Green Live Better’, placing a focus on the importance of environmental sustainability in the future development of China.

Beijing Expo 2019 is a unique opportunity for the UK and other nations to share learning, experience and best practice and to strengthen our collective commitment to improving the world’s environment for future generations. The theme of the UK pavilion is “Innovating for a Greener Future”. Alongside the physical pavilion at the expo, a digital platform has been developed by the British Council to promote the UK’s leading role in green innovation in a diverse range of sectors including education, science, tourism, food and drinks, arts and creative industry.

We would like to take the opportunity to highlight UK higher education’s competitive advantages in research and teaching in the identified subject areas and launch a digital campaign in the autumn of 2019 around the UK pavilion’s National Day at the expo on 17 September 2019.

    Action Required

    How to get involved

    UK institutions’ participation in the campaign is free of charge.

    Institutions interested in contributing content should fill in the attached Expression of Interest Form and email ies.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by Friday 7 June 2019, 23.59pm (GMT).

    The British Council will inform all institutions that express interest to this opportunity of the results before Friday 21 June 2019.

    Please include a sample of digital content when submitting the Expression of Interest From. *

    *Emails with attachments of more than 5MB in size may be blocked by our server. In this case, we recommend either compressing the photos or sending them through a file-sharing platform.

    Institutions will be selected based on:

    • Quality and interactiveness of content
    • Relevance to the theme of the UK pavilion