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Continue to engage students and counsellors through British Council's newsletters and social media posts (MY, SG & ID)

The British Council is developing a series of e-newsletters and social media posts to communicate and inform how UK institutions are supporting and advising international students in the current difficult Covid-19 situation. We are offering slots for UK institutions to be featured in the content.

Why join us?

  1. Maintain your market presence. Prospective applicants are seeking more clarity, re-assurance and information during this uncertain time. By being featured in the British Council’s newsletters and social media posts, you will maintain visibility and re-iterate expertise in selected topics/themes related to the changes in education sector, following the Covid-19 outbreak, i.e. distance learning, upcoming recruitment and currently relevant courses.
  2. Connect with the British Council’s network. Be featured on British Council digital platforms to benefit from our online followers and networks in-country.
  3. Maintain your brand presence for audiences from schools and agents. Generate and maintain confidence among the stakeholders during this uncertain time to prepare for your upcoming recruitment activities.
  4. Effectively reach your target market at an affordable rate.

What's Included?:



Social Media's (Facebook and Instagram)


  • 180 school counsellors
  • 90 education agents
  • >1,000 British Council Study UK Fairs' registrants who expressed interests to study in the UK

1 week of boosted advertisement; achieving 200,000 views, 700 clicks


  • 300 school counsellors
  • 100 education agents
  • >1,000 British Council Study UK Fairs' registrants who expressed interests to study in the UK

1 week of boosted advertisement. achieving 300,000 views, 1,000 clicks


  • 50 school counsellors
  • 18 education agents
  • >1,000 British Council Study UK Fairs' registrants who expressed interests to study in the UK

1 week of boosted advertisement. achieving 100,000 views, 500 clicks


Topic and timeline

Please note that the suggested dates are tentative, as some topics are flexible and subject to change such as UK institutions' recruitment timelines. We will discuss the best time to send out the communication with registered institutions. 

Circulation No.

Timeline & Theme

Input from UK institution



Tentative first week of June

How education institutions facilitate distance learning and new changes adopted in following COVID-19


  • Positive stories relevant to Covid-19 and your institution’s strategies


  • Distance learning facilities and options for students
  • Brand presence


  • Showcase institution’s efficiency in tackling and overcoming the impact of Covid-19 on students


Tentative last week of June

Applying to UK universities and the upcoming sectors, following the Covid-19 pandemic

  • Changes in recruitment processes


  • Courses becoming increasingly relevant and in-demand post Covid-19
  • Encourages recruitment and applications for UK institutions


Tentative third week of July

Allied Health Sector – is it now more in demand than ever

  • Present courses in Allied health
  • Encourages recruitment and applications for UK
  • institutions


Tentative second week of August

Is Digital the way forward? What should you study?

  • Present courses in Computer Science, Cyber Security, Business, etc
  • Encourages recruitment and applications for UK institutions



















Registration, investment and payment details:

·         UK institutions to register for newsletter topics/themes they are interested in

·         Each newsletter will feature content from three institutions; registration will be confirmed on a first-come-first-serve basis. We will be in touch with registered institutions to develop and collect content for the newsletters and social media posts

·         The newsletter will be circulated among counsellors and agents across Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore; the social media campaign will be scheduled in between each edition of the newsletters

·         UK institutions to register for interested topic(s). Each topic targeting each market will be charged GBP 150. Example: an institution signing up for Allied Health Sector topic in Malaysia (GBP 150), Indonesia (GBP 150) and Singapore (GBP 150) will be charged GBP 450 in total (exclusive of VAT). 

·         Once institutions register, we will share the invoice. Institutions have 30 days for payment on receipt of invoice

Action Required

Please register your interest here: https://forms.gle/yooDyXP9baMXHkfL7

Timelines to register interest by theme/topic: 15th May 2020 (for Circulation No. 1 – refer to above table) and 6th June 2020 (Circulation No. 2 to 4 – refer to above table)

The British Council will be in touch to finalise the delivery timeline and request content/materials from you, upon confirmation of your registration and expression of interest.