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Connections Accelerator - Building Connections for TNE and Sub-Degree Articulation

Date: Friday, 24 January 2014
Time: 10.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.
Venue: 3/F, British Council, 3 Supreme Court Road, Admiralty, Hong Kong

Aims of event
This event provides an opportunity for a range of UK and Hong Kong institutions to meet one-on-one, and identify possible areas of new collaboration in terms of:

a) in-market delivery of UK courses (TNE)
b) articulation agreements from sub-degree programmes in Hong Kong to undergraduate courses in the UK.

Short introductory discussions with senior decision makers from a range of Hong Kong institutions will enable you to establish a quick sense of what institutions may have complimentary needs and objectives to your own, and therefore represent potential partners.

Discussion themes

  • Provision of UK higher education courses in Hong Kong
  • Opportunities for delivery of new courses/agreements
  • Sub-degree programme graduates progression to UK universities
  • Opportunities for forming articulation agreements

Senior decision makers from Hong Kong and UK tertiary institutions, i.e.:

  • Pro Vice Chancellors, Faculty Deans, Heads of International Offices
  • Representatives of relevant Hong Kong education bodies
  • British Council

Institutions can be represented by one or two delegates. Only one series of meetings will be arranged for your institution (if sending two delegates they would sit together in the same series of meetings).

Delegates should be able to discuss the aims and objectives of your entire institution, i.e. Deans or Senior Academics from specific faculties should be able to provide an overview of overall institution partnership objectives.

A charge of GBP1,000 is applicable for attendance at this event.

Format and programme outline
The event will be in the form of quick one-on-one meetings. During the course of the full day programme you will have the opportunity to meet with each participating Hong Kong institution.

The programme will also include relevant presentations from Hong Kong education bodies and the British Council, which will set the scene on the Hong Kong market environment.

The programme will conclude with an opportunity for open networking.

Visit itinerary
The Education UK exhibition is held in Hong Kong on the following two days, January 25 and 26. British Council can also assist with arrangement of meetings in neighbouring markets before or after this event. Please discuss with us how we can leverage the opportunity to make your visit to the region most worthwhile.

Action Required

If you wish to participate in this event, please complete the attached Reply Form and return it to Steven Corry, Senior Manager Education Services (steven.corry@britishcouncil.org.hk) by 31 November 2013.

Connections_UK_Reply Form.pdf92.16 KB