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Chinese University seeks UK partner for English teacher training

Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University is looking for a UK partner to design and deliver a 10-12 days teacher training programme on English language competency and teaching methodologies in the UK in July or August 2016. There will be 10-12 teachers for this training and they are all the teaching staff of this university.


Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University, a local university under Shaanxi Province administration, is looking for a UK partner to deliver a teacher training programme to a group of 10-12 college teachers. The programme would focus on English language competency and teaching methodologies and be delivered in the UK during July or August 2016 as a 10-12 days’ programme.


  • Improving the participants’ English competency;
  • Developing the participants’ ability and confidence to apply the newly acquired methodologies in the classroom


The partnering UK institution will:

  • receive financial reimbursement for their support, to be further negotiated with Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University
  • have the opportunity to build their brand among Chinese college teachers, which may support with future cooperation
  • have the opportunity to build their brand as a teachers’ training expert
  • develop a long-standing partnership with a Chinese university with the opportunity for expansion in future.


The UK partner should be experienced in delivering training courses on English language and teaching methodologies and will be expected to design and deliver a suitable 10-12 days training programme including the below modules:

  • English communicative skills;
  • English teaching methodologies
  • Teaching English vocabulary
  • Selecting reading material for English literature classes
  • Managing teaching activities

The UK partner will also be expected to provide:

  • accommodation at local host families or student halls
  • three meals a day
  • extra-curricular activities and cultural sightseeing
  • the opportunity to practice teaching with UK students or other international students
  • transport to and from the airport
  • a letter of invitation for to support the visa application process
  • a certificate of completion at the end of the training.

Services provided by Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University

Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University will provide the following services:

  • select college teachers in China
  • provision of supervisors to assist all teachers throughout the training
  • coordination of teachers’ UK visa applications and international ticket booking
  • guidance for Chinese teachers before they leave for the UK.

Introduction of Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University

Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University, located in Xi’an, is a full-time public undergraduate university, established by Shaanxi Provincial Government and administered by Education Department of Shaanxi Provincial Government. It provides Bachelor degree and Diploma courses to the students and functions as the base centre of primary and secondary school teachers, headmasters, and basic education management staffs in Shaanxi Province.

Action Required

UK providers interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 15 May. Please submit a training proposal and a quotation outlining all the costs related to the proposed programme.

Please note, the British Council will charge 20 per cent of the final programme price as a management fee.