Chinese school seeks UK partner for study tour


Aidi School in Beijing is looking for a UK partner to provide a six-week study tour starting in February 2016 for around 20 Grade 6 students (about 12 years old) accompanied by two supervisors. Ideally, the participating students will attend classes with local students in the morning and join extra-curricular activities in the afternoon. Homestay arrangements will be required.

Action Required

British Council contact

UK institutions interested in this opportunity should send a sample programme along with details of accommodation arrangements and a quotation range to by 24 July.

Please note, the British Council is only involved in the provision of partnership brokering services. The final decision lies with the Chinese partner and will depend on the price quotation and other factors, such as the programme design and content, location, and teaching resources.

The British Council will charge a £1,000 management fee as a service commission, which is payable by the proposal winner.