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Chinese Provincial Partner seeks UK University to recruit students for undergraduate programs and study camps


The Jiangxi Provincial Education Association for International Exchange (JXPEA) is seeking a UK university partner to recruit top graduates from senior high schools in Jiangxi Province to undergraduate programs and short term study camps.

JXPEA Input and Support

• JXPEA will undertake the direct marketing in Jiangxi schools to attract potential candidates
• JXPEA will appoint at least 10 middle schools across cities in Jiangxi province to become key members of the project
• JXPEA will provide logistical support to the UK Partner University on the recruitment and selection of student candidates.

Project Background

JXPEA is in partnership with a Canadian University running a student recruitment project that has become a popular choice for Jiangxi senior high schools graduates. The project includes two offers:
1. Select and recruit top senior high middle school graduates for undergraduate studies at the Candian University. Students undertake entry exams provided by the Canadian University in October. Those who pass the exams take a 3-month foundation course from June to August in Canada, then enter year one of undergraduate study in September.
2. Short term study camp at the Canadian University:
• 20 to 30 students each year
• 2 to 3 weeks study camp
• Targeting senior high students from Jiangxi
• The course content is taken from existing undergraduate course modules
• Students can gain academic points if they undertake the same undergraduate course within 3 years’ time.

JXPEA is keen to find a UK partner keen to work with them in a similar fashion to the partnership they have with the Canadian University. Project details can be discussed and tailored to meet the specific needs of both parties.

Study abroad market in Jiangxi

According to the Jiangxi Provincial Education Department 3000 new students from Jiangxi studied overseas in 2014, a 20% increase on the year before. The USA is the dominant international player in recruiting students from Jiangxi. UK players have not been so active, however Jiangxi Provincial Education Department believes that the province offers the UK significant inward mobility growth potential.

Jiangxi Provincial Education Association for International Exchange

JXPEA is a non-profit organization, made up of educational institutions, groups and individuals from the education sector in Jiangxi Province. Since its establishment in 2006, it has been administered by Jiangxi Provincial Education Department, supervised by Jiangxi Civil Affairs Department and guided by the China Education Association for International Exchange. JXPEA has a government background and enjoys a broad and direct network with both public and private schools in the province.

Jiangxi Province

Jiangxi is a province located in the southeast of China. It is a rather poor province when compared to its neighboring provinces. It is located next to some of the richest provinces of China (Guangdong, Zhejiang, Fujian), which are sometimes blamed for taking away talent and capital from Jiangxi. Jiangxi has the lowest wages and third lowest property prices in all of China. Jiangxi's nominal GDP for 2011 was RMB 1158 billion (184 billion USD) and a per capita of RMB 17,000 (2,500 USD). The 2012 population of Jiangxi was approximately 40 million.

Action Required

British Council contact 
UK institutions interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 17th July 2015, providing a one-page introduction of the university and its academic strengths.