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A Chinese local Education Bureau seeks UK provider to deliver a one-week professional training course for secondary school STEM teachers


The Suzhou Education Bureau is looking for a UK partner to deliver an interactive one-week training course for STEM teachers in primary and secondary schools in Suzhou, China in early July 2018.


The overall aim of the training programme is to develop Chinese science teachers’ ability to maximise student engagement, raise student attainment, and help students to discover the joy of learning STEM subjects to encourage further study.

The training course should:

  • develop participants understanding of the delivery of STEM subjects in the UK
  • develop participants understanding of course structures and STEM curricula
  • inspire Chinese science teachers by providing them with new and innovative teaching methods through the inclusion of practical and engaging science demonstrations that can be replicated in a classroom setting.

Training Requirements

  • Length: one week (preferably 9 to 13 July 2018)
  • Number of trainers: one trainer from the UK

Please note: The trainer must be a qualified teacher with at least five years of relevant professional experience. Prior experience of delivering training in an international context is desirable.

  • Number of trainees: up to 30 primary and secondary school teachers (teaching students aged 6-12).  
  • Format: face-to-face lecture-based training with practical sessions.

Please note: Training is to be delivered in English. The Chinese partner will arrange and pay for an interpreter to assist during the training.

Programme requests from the Suzhou Education Bureau

The programme should include:

  • An introduction to STEM subjects (especially science education) teaching methodologies in the UK
  • sample cases of UK curricula for different age groups (6-12)
  • suggestions for useful facilities and resources for science lessons on and off campus
  • advice on creating an inspiring environment for pupils to enjoy and develop an interest in STEM subjects
  • videos of science lessons being delivered in UK schools (optional)

Action Required:

UK institutions interested in this opportunity should send a draft proposal including a detailed programme and breakdown of relevant costs as well as a short CV of the designated trainer to siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by Friday 25 May 2018.

Please note that the British Council will charge 20% of the final programme cost as a management fee. This management fee includes liaison between the UK trainer and the Chinese partner, pre-training set up, post training follow-up and on-site visits.

Action Required

UK institutions interested in this opportunity should send a draft proposal including a detailed programme and breakdown of relevant costs as well as a short CV of the designated trainer to siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by Friday 25 May 2018.

Please note that the British Council will charge 20% of the final programme cost as a management fee. This management fee includes liaison between the UK trainer and the Chinese partner, pre-training set up, post training follow-up and on-site visits.