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Chinese education agent seeks UK partner for English teacher training

Shaanxi Happy Education is looking for a UK partner to design and deliver a three-week teacher training programme on English language teaching methodologies in the UK in July or August 2016.


Shaanxi Happy Education, an education agency based in China’s Shaanxi province, is looking for a UK partner to deliver a teacher training programme to a group of 15 college teachers from China. The programme would focus on English language teaching methodologies and be delivered in the UK during July or August 2016 as a three-week programme.

• Improving the participants’ approach to teaching the English language
• Developing the participants’ ability and confidence to apply the newly acquired methodologies in the classroom


The UK partner should be experienced in delivering training courses on English language teaching methodologies and will be expected to design and deliver a suitable three-week training programme including the below modules:
• English teaching methodologies
• Teaching English vocabulary
• Teaching English grammar
• Selecting reading material for English literature classes
• Managing teaching activities

The UK partner will also be expected to arrange accommodation for the participants. Homestays or student dormitories are both acceptable.

Introduction of Shaanxi Happy Education

Shaanxi Happy Education is an education agency approved by China’s Ministry of Education. It provides services relating to study tours, business visits, teacher training and overseas study.

Action Required

UK providers interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 14 February. Please submit a training proposal and a quotation outlining all the costs related to the proposed programme.

Please note, the British Council will charge 20 per cent of the final programme price as a management fee.