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A Chinese arts institution seeks a UK university to deliver a bespoke UK summer programme in 2018

A Chinese arts institution is looking for a UK university partner to design and deliver a three to four week summer programme for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. The programme aims to recruit 15-20 students from the local institution to visit the UK partner university in July 2018. The focus of the summer programme will be on improving the knowledge and skills of students in subject areas including painting, art design and contemporary art as well as improving their English language skills. Universities are invited to put forward proposals involving the above mentioned subject areas and other arts related subject areas based on their expertise.


This is an opportunity for the selected UK partner to establish a long-term partnership with a well-known art institution in China, with potential for expansion into other fields, such as further student and faculty exchange programmes and joint research. It is also an opportunity for the UK partners to raise their institutions’ profiles and brand awareness in China, which may benefit student recruitment.

Summer programme details

  • Group size:       15-20 students and one group leader
  • Student age:     18+
  • Student level:    Undergraduate and postgraduate
  • English level:     Good – no interpretation required
  • Dates:               July 2018
  • Content:           - Painting, art design and contemporary art as well as other relevant subject areas and English language teaching.
  •                         - Relevant excursions and visits during the week/weekend are desirable.

Areas of responsibility for the two collaborating parties:

The selected UK partner will be expected to work with the local institution to:

  • design and deliver the curriculum for the summer programme including
    both art related teaching and English language teaching
  • provide support in the quality assurance of the programme
  • arrange local accommodation and catering services for the students (costs to be covered by the Chinese partner).

The Chinese partner will be responsible for:

  • promoting the programme to students
  • selecting students for the programme
  • providing funding for the programme.

Brief introduction to the local art institution

This institution is the only fine art institution in central China that provides programmes at undergraduate, postgraduate and PHD level in multiple disciplines. The institution currently has over 8,000 full-time students, 600 full-time staff, 12 departments and schools; key subjects include fine arts, design, and painting.

A more detailed curriculum is available on request.

Action Required

UK universities interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by Friday 26 January, 2018 providing a proposal covering:

  • a sample programme
  • detailed breakdown of all costs for both students and group leader
  • strengths and experience in relevant subject areas
  • an introduction to the university including experience in international collaboration, work with China and any relevant experience in delivering summer schools or other joint programmes.

Institutions are encouraged to submit proposals as soon as possible to allow time for consideration of all applications before selection.

The British Council will charge £1,000 as a service commission, to be paid upon completion of the programme, which will be payable by the proposal winner. The fee will cover frequent liaison between the UK partner and Chinese partner for facilitating the preparation of the programme and pre-departure arrangements (e.g. pre-departure briefings, visa application guidance and document translation support upon request) as well as support for post programme follow-ups. Please include the commission fee in the quotation.