Chinese agent newsletter - January 2013 issue

The Agent Newsletter is issued twice a year and is the most popular publication for Chinese agents (data from annual China agent survey). A total of 4,000 copies of each newsletter will be distributed to over 500 licensed education agencies across the country by post and in agent events. The content of this publication will include agent events, UK education news and updates, visa information and other relevant information that agents in China may be interested in.

There are some new elements in 2013:

  • 4,000 hard copies distributed to over 500 agents
  • Under UK NOW arts and design theme
  • e-copy sent to agents via e-mail
  • a cover letter introducing advertising institutions
  • one free tweet on Sina and QQ micro-blogs ( dependent on size of ads)
  • free scholarship promotion

Action Required

We will post UK institutions' scholarship information in this newsletter free of charge.

Good placement for advertisements and advertorial articles are also available. 80 per cent advertisements generate responses from Chinese agents.

Please submit your scholarship information and advertisement request to Jamie Jin by 10 December 2012.