China social media training workshop

With the aims of supporting UK institutions to get in-depth understanding of Chinese social media and to build up e-profile in this special market, the British Council would host a one-day training workshop on China social media, with partners of Inno Meda and Sina Weibo College.

In this training workshop, we will cover:

  • Landscape of Marketing through social media
  • Utilization of Sina media platforms
  • Case studies on Sina Weibo
  • Good practices on interactive communication
  • Strategic development on digital marketing in China

The delegation of speakers includes:

  • May Huang, Education E-marketing Manager, British Council China
  • Michael Tang, President, HDT Media Inc. Visiting Professor, School of Journalism & Communications, Peking University, and researcher, CCM Research Centre, Peking University
  • Jingdong Ge, Director of Marketing, Director of Business Channels, General Manager of Regional Branch, Sina Group
  • Shaoyu Li, Deputy Director of Sina Weibo Business Develop Department
  • Lisa Wang, Project Manager of Sina Weibo College, Manager of Sina Weibo Marketing
  • Chen Shen, Human Resource Manager of Sina Weibo, Senior consultant of Sina Weibo College


Date: 14 June 2013
Time: 9.30 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. 
Venue: The Auditorium Eastern Gateway Building, Brunel Business School, Brunel University, Kingston Ln, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH
Participation fee*: GBP360 excl. VAT per person

*This fee includes the cost of training fees, lunch and refreshments.

Action Required

Please complete the online application at by 1 June 2013. (Our partner – Inno Media developed this website with detail programmes)

Once you have finish registration, Inno media will send you invoice accordingly. No further invoice will be issued by the British Council for this event.

Any enquiries please feel free to contact Ms May Huang.