China International Education Exhibition Tour (CIEET) 2015

The Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE) will hold the China International Education Exhibition Tour (CIEET 2015) from 21-29 March of 2015 in the cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Guangzhou, this will be regarded as CIEET Spring Tour. CSCSE will also hold a CIEET Summer Tour from 28 June to 4 July in Guangzhou, Hefei, Nanjing and Shenyang respectively.

CIEET has been devoted to provide students with the most authoritative, accurate and straightforward information about overseas study and offer a full range of promotional services to participating institutions. It is intended to introduce more high quality overseas educational resources, and build up a cooperation and exchange platform for Chinese and overseas higher education institutions, and related organizations. Since 1999, CIEET has been successfully hosted for nineteen years over 30 major cities across China and acknowledged as the most influential international education event featuring overseas study. By the end of this year, CIEET will have attracted over 2000 institutions from 55 different countries and regions. China Study Abroad Forum, in parallel with CIEET, has been regarded as an important platform for strengthening cooperation and promoting exchanges among various education institutions from all over the world.

This year, the CIEET Spring Tour will, as usual, endeavour to provide opportunities for overseas education institutions to introduce highly qualified educational resources to Chinese students. The Summer Tour will build up a an information platform for the vast number of university entrance tests, and for students to have insight into overseas universities and pre-departure training. The China Study Abroad Forum 2015 will also be staged alongside for professionals, scholars from home and abroad to discuss international education issues of common concern so as to further promote communication and exchanges.

Action Required

All bona fide UK institutions can apply through the British Council China.
Please complete the form and email to:
Contact: Ms. Mandy Deng
Tel: +86 (0)20 8510 3015