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China International Education Exhibition Tour 2014 wrap-around promotional opportunities

Organised by Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE), CIEET 2014 will take place from 15 March to 30 March 2014 in seven cities across China, which include Beijing, Chongqing, Zhengzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuhan and Guangzhou.

The exhibition tour will provide a great platform to present the UK’s high quality educational institutions. Please follow the link below to access detailed information:

British Council’s Supporting Promotional Opportunities

Education UK Exhibition Guide with subject specific advertorials
[GBP300 for one 148 mm x 210mm (A5) page]

The Exhibition Guide will contain a new chapter introducing subject specific information provided by institutions, which offers a unique opportunity for institutions to promote either their most popular, or new and cutting-edge courses to Chinese students.

Alumni gathering events
[Quotation to be provided on individual institution’s request]

Utilising its growing Alumni UK network database in China, British Council will organise customised alumni events for institutions around the spring exhibition period.

Star alumni guest lectures
[GBP400 for one session (no more than 60 minutes)]

A guest lecture delivered by a significant Chinese alumna/alumnus to prospective students can effectively enhance the institution’s profile and give the audience an inspiring insight on how the education experience at this institution helps its students develop a successful career path.

Suitable alumni and lecture themes can either be identified by participating institutions or recommended by local British Council offices through the Alumni UK network.

Business school tour in China[GBP300 for visit to one local business school]

We have identified 12 Chinese business schools from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing, which have shown concrete interests in working with UK partners to develop collaborative relationship. Participating UK business schools will be visiting their selected local school as a group accompanied by British Council China staff. During the visit, each UK school will be given 10 minutes to introduce themselves and then join a group meeting with the local business school’s head representatives to discuss on details of partnership opportunities.

Action Required

If you wish to attend the exhibition tour, or to join the supporting British Council promotional opportunities, please download the corresponding application form as attached and complete relevant fields.
Please send the completed form(s) to Ms. Qi Qi, British Council China Exhibition Coordinator, at qi.qi@britishcouncil.org.cn