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China Foreign Affairs University seeks UK partners for undergraduate progression programmes

China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU) is looking for UK partners to develop and deliver 1+3 undergraduate progression programmes in business administration and computer science as part of its International Partnership Program (IPP). CFAU will deliver a one year foundation programme for students before they go to the UK and receive a degree from the UK partner university. CFAU aims to recruit up to 50 students per year.

Benefits for the UK partners
This is an opportunity for the selected UK partners to establish long-term partnerships with one of the top universities in Beijing, with potential for expansion into other fields, such as student and faculty exchange programmes or joint research. It is also an opportunity for the UK partners to raise their institutions’ profiles and brand awareness in China.

Areas of responsibility for the two collaborating parties

     The selected UK partners will be expected to work with China Foreign Affairs University to:

  • develop the curricula for the foundation programme • provide support in the quality assurance of the foundation programme
  • issue a Bachelor’s degree to students upon successful completion of the undergraduate degree.

    China Foreign Affairs University will be responsible for:
  • promoting and recruiting students for the programmes
  • providing qualified teaching staff as well as the required teaching premises and logistical support for the programmes
  • providing a one year foundation programme before students pursue their undergraduate degree courses at the UK university
  • supporting prospective students in preparing to study in the UK as part of the programmes

About the International Partnership Programme
CFAU’s International Partnership Programme (IPP) is an international cooperative program. IPP enrols students throughout the country, selecting senior high school graduates with good English language ability and desire to study abroad. IPP provides a convenient fast track towards the world’s first-class universities. CFAU’s IPP currently partners with the University of Alberta, the University of Toronto, the University of British Columbia in Canada and the University of Rutgers, the University of California and the University of Cornell in the USA.

About China Foreign Affairs University
China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU) was founded in 1955, with the aim of educating talent for China’s foreign services and for world peace and prosperity. Directly affiliated with China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and co-built by the Ministry of Education, CFAU offers a unique educational experience that prides itself in intellectual integrity and academic excellence.

Action Required

British Council contact
UK universities interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 15 May 2017, providing an introduction to their institution, including any strengths and experience in developing and delivering programmes in business administration and computer science.

The Chinese University would like to schedule reciprocal visits in May 2017, with a view to confirming a partnership in June 2017.