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China Focus market update: marketing to the next generation of Chinese student


As we enter the 2020s, China continues to be a hugely important market for UK education institutions. 2019 Quarter 3 Tier 4 visa issuance data for China showed 20% year on year growth from 2018 with over 114,000 visas issued. China continues to make up an ever-greater proportion of students in the UK, now accounting for nearly 47% of total global issuance, with China numbers making up more than the next 24 top markets combined.

With tensions continuing between China and the USA, caps on international students being introduced by a number of Australian universities and the introduction of the graduate route by the UK government, there is a strong possibility that growth will continue.

But how can UK institutions capitalise on this growth? For those institutions already benefitting, is the question about diversifying subject areas or ensuring more balance between undergraduate and postgraduate numbers? And how is the China market evolving? What should marketing to the next generation of Chinese student look like? What does the continued growth of international schools in China mean for the UK?

To explore these questions and more, the British Council China will be hosting a market update evening on Saturday 21 March. The weekend of the China Education Expo.

A marketing specialist from Kantar will provide the latest trends on China’s digital landscape, examining the evolution of Omni-media, the role of influencers and how to mind the generational gap.

A panel of international school counsellors will be sharing their latest insights on undergraduate student decision-making and where they see the market heading.

Networking opportunities and food and drink will follow:


Date:    Saturday 21 March
Time:   18:00-21:00
Venue: Harrods, The British House, Beijing Fang, Beijing
Fee:     GBP 100 per person (excluding VAT)

Benefits to UK institutions

  • Receive the latest updates on the China education market
  • Develop your understanding of marketing to the next generation of Chinese students
  • Hear first-hand from front line student counsellors on student decision-making









China education market update

Athena Liu
Head of Client Liasion and Research


China’s digital landscape – marketing to the next generation of students



Panel discussion
Notes from the field – student decision making for undergraduate study

International school counsellors (TBC)


Networking, food and drink


This event is part of our China Focus series of workshops designed to support UK education institutions keep up to date with the ever evolving China education market.

Details on our other China Focus workshop that is currently open for registration can be found here.

Action Required

To register for this event please email IES.China@britishcouncil.org.cn by Wednesday 11 March providing the full name, institution, job title and contact details of attendees.

Please note, this event is open to UK education institutions only.

Please contact the above email address for any enquiries.