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China Focus: International Education Services training offers for the UK education sector


The British Council’s International Education Services team has developed a comprehensive annual training plan for UK institutions to remain responsive to China’s complex and ever-changing education landscape.

The plan will cover key areas of China’s education landscape that are vital for the UK to understand to remain competitive and showcase their institutions as a provider of the best quality of education for Chinese students.

The training plan will be delivered in various formats including briefings, training workshops and conferences with sessions taking place in the UK and China.

Benefits for the UK sector

IES staff will utilise specialist market knowledge and leverage their strong network across China to facilitate content driven sessions. The objectives of the China IES training courses are:

  • to provide briefings on keys areas of China’s education landscape e.g. science and innovation, TNE, etc.
  • to provide training workshops on different themes based on market trends e.g. employability, private education, entrepreneurship etc.
  • to share best practice case studies with the sector
  • to support the personal development needs of UK institutions’ staff

Attending these training sessions will support UK institutions in remaining competitive in the global higher education market. The sessions will keep UK institutions up to date and knowledgeable on key areas of the market, allowing institutions to respond and develop comprehensive marketing strategies that lead to success in the China market.

Training Plan






Content and objective

Proposed price

Market insights



UK BC office

To provide insights into the current job market in China and the challenges faced by returning Chinese graduates. To support UK universities career and alumni offices to develop appropriate mechanisms to prepare their Chinese students for returning home and entering the local job market


Market insights



Beijing location (TBC)

Covering the latest developments in China’s education market through analyse of recent government policy and market trends to offer insights into developing a comprehensive marketing strategy


Market insights

Science and research


UK BC office

Briefings on the science and innovation landscape in China, including science and innovation policies, governance structure, funding system, knowledge transformation etc.
To raise awareness of the comprehensive development of China’s science and innovation system to the UK HE sector and to support capacity building of UK universities and institutions related to collaboration with China


Market insights



UK BC office

To provide insights into the TNE audit and assessment process, including how it is conducted, what impact it has on the management and operation of TNE programmes and institutes, and what the obligations and responsibilities are of foreign partners. The session will discuss the implications of China’s recent review of TNE regulations and implementation guidelines


Strategy development

Wider China Strategy (TNE/Research /Recruitment / Outward Mobility)


UK BC office

Individual clinics for UK institution senior leaders to address specific issues with their China strategy. Institutions will send specific details of issues before the clinics


Market insights / Strategy development

One to one advisory meetings

Year round

China BC offices (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou)

Individual meetings with institutions to discuss developments on the China market and advise on overall strategy


Action Required

Next steps

The IES team will launch individual calls for each training, detailing course specific information and instructions on how to register.

If you would like to receive email updates on training opportunities, please register here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BCtrainingservice2019

If you have any questions about the training programme, please email ies.china@britishcouncil.org.cn