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China Focus: Independent School Workshop - Develop your understanding of the China market

Please note this event has been postponed due to the outbreak of the coronavirus and the subsequent implications of working in China and travel between China and the UK.

The event will be rearranged later in the year and the new date communicated through this page. To register your interest in attending the event and receive information directly on the new date please email fraser.deas@britishcouncil.org.cn

According to the Independent School Council annual census, in 2019 there were more than 7,000 Chinese students (with parents overseas) studying at UK independent schools. Since 2015 the UK independent school sector has seen a 35% increase in the number of Chinese students (with parents overseas) studying in the UK at independent schools. What are the reasons behind this growth? Is this growth likely to continue? How can independent schools capitalise on this growth? What makes the UK an appealing destination for Chinese parents?

To explore these questions and more, the British Council China is hosting a workshop in London on Monday 23 March. The workshop will discuss recruitment and partnership opportunities and challenges in China’s evolving market. The workshop is part of the China Focus series and is aimed at staff who work in the partnership, recruitment and international offices of UK independent and boarding schools.

The workshop will be suitable for both schools with experience in working with China and those considering working with China.

Date:   Monday 23 March
Time:  09.30-13.00
Venue: British Council (10 Spring Gardens, St James’, London, SW1A 2BN)
Cost:   GBP 150 for a maximum of two attendees (excluding VAT)

Benefits to UK schools
This workshop has been designed to support UK independent and boarding schools to:

  • develop your understanding of the China market
  • analyse and understand market trends for student recruitment
  • develop your understanding of your audience and how to grow your brand awareness  
  • receive practical advice and guidance from experienced marketing professionals








Presentation –
The China boarding school market - trends and insights

British Council
Fraser Deas
Head of Education Services, China


Presentation –
Brand building in China

The Shape Creative
Jacqueline Xu
Managing Director




Panel discussion –
Understanding your Chinese partners

Connexcel Ltd.
Katie Nie

Englong Education
Dr Albert Lu

12.00 – 12.30

Case study –
Developing the foundations of your China network



Presentation –
The importance of guardianship



Wrap up, lunch and networking

Action Required

To register for this workshop please email fraser.deas@britishcouncil.org.cn by Friday 06 March providing the full name, institution, job title and contact details of attendees.

Please note, this workshop is open to UK education institutions only.

Please contact the above email address for any enquiries.