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China Everbright Bank Seeks UK Partner for Summer School Programme in the UK

China Everbright Bank is looking for a UK education organisation to deliver a summer school programme in the UK as part of its Young Talent Programme. This programme is aimed at supporting the children of their customers in participating in overseas summer camps to help them:

  • improve their English language competence
  • gain an understanding of Western culture
  • learn about the financial services industry. 


The UK provider will deliver a programme in London with modules and activities covering:

  • English language
  • UK culture, etiquette and sports
  • basic knowledge of the financial services industry
  • cultural sightseeing activities.

The programme should last around ten days and be suitable for a group of 12 to 20 high school students (16 years of age and above), who are the children of China Everbright Bank’s VIP clients. An ideal programme would include seven days of study and three days of cultural activities.

Arrangements must include:

  • all transportation in the UK
  • all food and drink in the UK (three meals per day including drinks)
  • accommodation (homestay or student dormitory)
  • translation services to support the students with the study curriculum and cultural sightseeing acitivities
  • a letter of invitation to support the visa application process
  • a certificate of completion at the end of the summer camp.

Timeframe and Budget

The programme should be delivered around 30 July 2016 within a budget of RMB 40,000 to 50,000 per student. The budget should cover all the arrangements mentioned above and any management fees on behalf of the UK institution. China Everbright Bank will provide one supervisor to assist the students through the summer school programme, and the costs relating to the supervisor’s attendance should be split across the students’ participation fee.

About China Everbright Bank and the Young Talent Programme

Established in 1992, China Everbright Bank now covers 45 major cities across China, including a representative office in Hong Kong, and employs 17,000 staff.

The Young Talent Programme is a four-day internship programme aimed at providing an opportunity for students to gain a basic understanding of the history of commercial bank development, and understand the basic daily operational procedures of a bank and its overseas financial services.

Action Required

If you are interested in this opportunity, please send the following information to siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 23:59 GMT on 15 May 2016:

• an introduction to your organisation, detailing your relevant training experience
• a sample programme outline, with a breakdown of activities for each day
• a budget breakdown covering all activities, including study modules, transportation, accommodation, translation services, food and drinks.