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China Australia Business College of Shanxi seeks UK partners for articulation programmes

China Australia Business College of Shanxi (CABC) is looking for UK partners to develop and deliver articulation programmes in the fields of business administration, finance, and accounting for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. The proposed models for the articulation programmes are as follows:

  • 2+1 model (the first two years spent in China and the final year in the UK for an undergraduate degree from a UK university)
  • 3+1 model (the first three years in China for a diploma from CABC followed by one and a half years in the UK for a postgraduate degree).

The proposed models are negotiable between CABC and the chosen UK partner. Upon successful completion of the programmes, students should receive a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in their field from the UK partner university.

Benefits for the UK partners

This is an opportunity for the selected UK partner institutions to position themselves as strategic partners with CABC and Higher Education institutions in Shanxi province. Such a partnership will help a UK institution to build their brand awareness in the region, which may support future business engagement, such as curriculum development, staff exchanges and student recruitment.

Areas of responsibility for the two collaborating parties

The selected UK partners will be expected to work with China Australia Business College of Shanxi to:

  • develop the curricula for the joint programmes
  • provide support in the quality assurance of the programmes
  • issue a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree to the students.

China Australia Business College of Shanxi will be responsible for:

  • promoting and recruiting students for the programmes
  • providing qualified teaching staff as well as the required teaching premises and logistical support for the joint programmes
  • supporting prospective students in preparing to study in the UK as part of the programmes.

About China Australia Business College of Shanxi

China Australia Business College was established in 2005 and is a full-time higher education vocational college. CABC was authorized by the Shanxi Provincial Government and is registered with the Chinese Ministry of Education.  About 3,500 students are studying on campus in subjects including Business, Accounting, Computer Science and Tourism. CABC has set up co-operative partnerships with universities in the United States, Australia, Germany, Japan and New Zealand for student articulation programmes.   Adhering to the teaching principle "Upholding Chinese classics as substance, maintaining western philosophy as practice", the college is keen to develop international and vocational education and aims to cultivate business management talents with an international outlook and high-quality skillset.

Action Required

UK universities interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 15 May 2017 and provide a one-page introduction to their institution, covering any strengths and experience in developing and delivering joint programmes in business administration, finance and accounting.


China Australia Business College of Shanxi would like to select the partners in May 2017, and finalise agreements by the middle of June 2017.