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A Chengdu agent seeks a UK partner for a biomedicine themed study tour in the UK


An agent based in Chengdu, China is looking for a UK partner to host a biomedicine themed study tour for 10-15 young professionals who work in biomedicine institutes and pharmaceutical companies.  The agent is hoping to set-up a partnership with the capacity to run repeat courses over the next two years.


The selected UK partner will:

  1. Receive financial reimbursement for the programme, to be further negotiated with the Chinese partner.
  2. Have the opportunity to develop a long-standing partnership with a Chinese partner with the potential for future expansion. 
  3. Have the opportunity to raise their profile to a Chinese audience and showcase their expertise in the field of biomedicine.

Programme details

  1. Date:  May – September 2018, (exact dates and number of courses to be further discussed)
  2. Length: 10 - 12 days 
  3. Student background: Young professionals who work in biomedicine institutes and pharmaceutical companies

Programme content:

Institutions are invited to put together a proposal based on their particular subject area and faculty expertise. Please base proposals on the below information.

a.Classroom training (3-4 days)

(1)Teaching faculty requirement: experienced professors or senior professionals from a medical or life science school.

(2)Subject areas that could be included: medicine, biochemistry, molecular biology, basic medical sciences, medical administration, environmental health/ hygiene, etc.( No need to include clinical medicine)

(3)Other topics: Experience sharing on joint biomedicine collaboration andpersonal  career development advice

b.Industry visits (2 days)

(1)Local government authority

Purpose: to understand how Chinese pharmaceutical companies could work with the UK

(2)Local hospital visit

Purpose: to understand hospital management in the UK

(3)Pharmaceutical company(s) visit

Purpose: to understand international marketing 

c.Research centre visit  (1-2 days)

Purpose: to gain first-hand knowledge of UK biomedical research development

Areas of responsibilities for the two collaborating parties

UK partner

Responsibilities include:

  1. Hosting 7-8 day programme, including provision of accommodation and meals
  2. Transport to and from the airport
  3. A letter of invitation to support the visa application process
  4. A certificate of completion at the end of programme

Chinese agent

Responsibilities include:

  1. Arrange 3-4 day tour and sightseeing in the UK
  2. All promotion and recruitment of participants in Chengdu
  3. Providing 1-2 group leaders to assist the programme in the UK
  4. Coordinating all UK visa applications and international ticket booking
  5. Providing guidance for Chinese students before they leave for the UK

The agent contact details will be shared with shortlisted institutions.

Action Required

UK institutions interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 9 March 2018, 12 noon GMT.

Please provide a full programme proposal with requirements listed above. 

The proposal should include introduction of the training provider, location, price break down per student (including group leader costs and British Council commission), programme highlights, a sample timetable and any other necessary information.

The British Council will charge £1,500 as a service commission, to be paid upon completion of the programme, which will be payable by the proposal winner. The fee will cover frequent liaison between the UK partner and Chinese partner for facilitating the preparation of the programme and pre-departure arrangements (e.g. pre-departure briefings, visa application guidance and document translation support upon request) as well as support for post programme follow-ups. Please include the commission fee in the quotation.


09 March 2018

Deadline for proposals  

31 March 2018

Feedback given to UK institutions

31 March 2018

Completion of negotiations and signing of a co-operation agreement between the UK institution and the Chinese partner(TBC by Chinese agent and proposal winner)

May 2018

Kick-off the first group