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CHANGE OF DATE - Invitation to the UK-Philippine TNE Links Programme briefing session in London on 20 September

The British Council Philippines is collaborating with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) on the development of UK TNE programmes in the Philippines. In this light, we are inviting UK higher education institutions (HEIs) to the briefing session where we will be presenting the project and discussing ways to establish partnerships between UK and Philippine HEIs.

Date: 20 September 2016

Time: 10:30 - 12:30

Venue: Room UG9, British Council, 10 Spring Gardens, London

This project is providing capacity and funding support for Philippine higher education institutions to establish international connectivity and engagement through the development of TNE partnerships with HEIs in the UK.

The 2-year project, which commenced in August 2016 and will end in August of 2018, aims to:

  • Provide seed funding to eligible HEIs to develop and implement new, niche postgraduate degree programmes with UK HEIs
  • Build capacity of HEIs to raise the importance of incorporating internationalisation goals into HEIs overall vision and mission
  • Support research collaboration between Philippines and UK that will lead to development of TNE programmes
  • Establish Philippines and UK higher education partnerships

The British Council and CHED will assess and pre-screen up to 10 Philippine HEIs as recipient of grant funding under the programme.

Key to the implementation of the programme is the interest and engagement of the UK HE agencies and HEIs. There is a need for the UK HE key agencies/players to fully understand the Philippine HE sector and its market potential for TNE and in the same way, for CHED to have greater understanding of UK HE sector and requirements for TNE partnerships.

We are also presenting the 'The Shape of Global TNE', a free event at the University of Liverpool on Tuesday 13 September 2016.

External link: https://www.britishcouncil.org/education/ihe/events/briefing-session-uk-philippine-tne-project

Erratum: The date for the briefing session is on 20 September, not on the 13th as previously posted.

Action Required

You may confirm your participation or send queries to Ms Lotus Postrado, Head of Education, British Council, Philippines at Lotus.Postrado@britishcouncil.org.ph by Wednesday 7 September 2016.