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Changchun Institute of Technology seeks UK partners for articulation programmes in the fields of smart grid information engineering, surveying and mapping engineering and architecture

Changchun Institute of Technology (CIT) is looking for UK partners interested in 4+1 articulation programmes in the fields of smart grid information engineering, surveying and mapping engineering and architecture. The 4+1 programmes will lead to a Bachelor’s degree from CIT and a Master's degree from the UK partner. 

Benefits for the UK partners
This is an opportunity for the selected UK partners to establish long-term partnerships with a strong provincial university in northeast China, with potential for expansion into other fields, such as student and faculty exchange and joint programmes. It is also an opportunity for the UK partners to raise their institutions’ profiles and brand awareness in northeast China, which may benefit student recruitment.

Upon selection of the UK partner the two universities will begin discussions on the exact nature of the articulation agreement.

About Changchun Institute of Technology
Changchun Institute of Technology is a multi-disciplinary full-time university with primary focus on engineering, but also offers degrees in management, business and the humanities. CIT currently has about 15,000 full-time students, 121 post-graduate students, as well as more than 10,000 part-time students.

CIT was founded in 1951 and since then has welcomed close to 130,000 graduates in various fields and degrees.

Action Required

How to participate

UK universities interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 19 August 2017, providing a one-page introduction to their institution covering all strengths and experience in developing and delivering articulation and joint programmes in relevant subject areas.