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Central University of Finance & Economics in Beijing seeks UK partner for joint undergraduate programme

The School of Accounting at Beijing’s Central University of Finance and Economics wants to expand its international offering and is looking for a UK partner to deliver a 3+1 joint bachelor’s degree in accounting. 

About The Central University of Finance and Economics  
The Central University of Finance and Economics, located in Beijing, was founded in 1949. It is one of China’s top Accounting and Finance institutions, directly subordinate to the Ministry of Education and one of 116 higher education institutions in China to be designated as a 211 Project institution for having met certain scientific, technical, and human resources standards and offering advanced degree programs. 

About the School of Accounting
The School of Accountancy is home to 1,000 undergraduate and 800 postgraduate students. It offers courses in Accounting, Financial Management and Auditing including Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and Chartered Institute of Management (CIMA) courses using English as the Medium of Instruction. It is one of only 22 universities in China authorized to deliver Certified Public Accounting qualifications, 21 pilot universities first authorized to deliver Master of Professional Accounting qualifications and 32 universities to first offer Master of Auditing qualifications. Many of their graduates now hold senior positions in the Ministry of Finance and major Chinese financial institutions. Around 30% of their students continue their studies overseas. 

The School of Accounting is now seeking a British University Partner with strengths in accounting to offer a joint Bachelor’s degree. 

The Chinese university would like to schedule reciprocal visits in Autumn 2015, with a view to confirming a partnership in Winter 2015.

Action Required

British Council contact 
UK universities interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 31 July.