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Call for universities to participate in USA digital campaign to promote study abroad and exchange

British Council USA will run a digital campaign during the US International Education Week (IEW), 13 – 17 November 2017, which is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. The digital campaign will feature profiles of American study abroad or exchange students at UK universities.

Please note: A maximum of 10 universities may participate in the campaign. 5 undergraduate and 5 postgraduate student profiles are available on a first-come, first-served basis.


Study abroad by American students has more than tripled in the past two decades; however, the rate of growth has slowed in recent years and the UK has seen a slight decline in its’ market share of American study abroad students.

In an effort to promote study abroad and exchange programmes in the UK, British Council USA will run a digital campaign during International Education Week. IEW is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education which promotes programmes that prepare Americans for a global environment. The U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education are encouraging the participation of individuals and institutions to celebrate international education on their channels.

The British Council USA will support this initiative by hosting 10 study abroad and exchange student profiles on its’ website under the Study in the UK section and promote these profiles in a wraparound digital campaign. This campaign aims to grow the number of study abroad and exchange students applying to the UK from the US and strengthen the online brand profile of UK institutions among prospective study abroad students.

About the student profiles

Each participating university will nominate a current or former American study abroad and exchange student. If it’s a former study abroad and exchange student, they must have been a student within the last five years. The student will be featured in a student profile on the British Council USA website (https://www.britishcouncil.us/) under the Study in the UK section.

The student profiles will include:

•Written interview questions answered by the student about topics including why they chose the UK and their particular university, what they enjoy most about their university, the most valuable thing they’ve learned while studying abroad, and how they think their study abroad experience will impact their future work.
•High-resolution photos to accompany the interview. One photo must be of the student. Other photos may include: photos of the campus, the student’s work, highlighting student life and otherwise promoting study abroad and exchange at the university. The university will be responsible for providing photos to accompany the interview. The university may send up to 5 photos.
•(1) video may also be included in the student profile at the university’s discretion.

Please note: the British Council will select suitable content for the profiles based on the content submitted by the universities, and in line with media trends and interests. Not all submitted content will be featured in the profiles. Profiles will be submitted to the university for approval before publication.


The student profiles will be promoted via:

•(1) e-newsletter per university featuring bespoke university content to the USA Study Abroad Advisor database of 849 university study abroad advisors. The e-newsletters will highlight the university’s student profile and can also include content about the university’s study abroad and exchange programmes, summer programmes, resources for study abroad advisors and students and upcoming US visits. E-newsletter content will be provided by the university.

•(1) feature per university in British Council USA’s Study UK monthly e-newsletter that is distributed to over 5,000 prospective students in the US. Each university’s student profile will be highlighted in one of the Study UK monthly e-newsletters

•(1) boosted Facebook post and (1) boosted Instagram post highlighting each universities’ student profile. The boosted posts will target prospective study abroad students in the US who have expressed an interest in study abroad or in the UK during November 2017.

Participation fee

The British Council will charge a £1,000* participation fee per student profile and wraparound digital campaign. The fee will cover overall media management and editing, distribution and promotion and a report at the end of the campaign.

*Not including VAT

Benefit to UK institutions

•Creation of student profile that will live on the British Council USA website under the Study in the UK section

•Increased online brand visibility among prospective US students

Responsibilities of participating universities

Participating UK universities are encouraged to provide the below:

•Nominate a current or former American study abroad or exchange student. If nominating a former student, they must have been a student at the university within the last five years. The university will be responsible for liaising between the student and British Council USA to ensure the timely completion of the written interview questions.

•High-resolution photos to accompany the student profile.

•Content for the university’s bespoke e-newsletter to counselors with information about undergraduate and postgraduate courses, resources for counselors and students and upcoming US visits


Ongoing - deadline for registration

September - October - Student profile and wraparound media creation

November - Student profiles launched and wraparound digital campaign

Registration of interest


Action Required



Please send any questions about the campaign to Jenna Hartsell at Jenna.Hartsell@britishcouncil.org.