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Call for UK universities to partner with Soochow University in launching joint programmes in Suzhou, East China

Soochow University, based in China’s Jiangsu province, is looking to partner with UK universities in launching joint undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the fields of electric information engineering, nanotechnology, material chemistry, biomedicine, medicine and related subjects.

The university is open to exploring a variety of programme models, including 2+2, 3+1+1 or 4+1 programmes, credit transfer programmes, and student exchange programmes.

Soochow University is also interested in launching a joint research centre in the above fields.

Introduction of Chinese partner

Soochow University is located in Suzhou and has a student body of about 50,000, including 21,472 undergraduates, 12,602 postgraduates and 9,710 adult education students. It is home to a national engineering laboratory and three engineering centres at provincial and ministerial level.

The university is part of the Chinese Ministry of Education’s Project 211 and the 2011 Plan, which are initiatives that seek to promote the development of research capacity and encourage collaborative innovation at key national universities.

Soochow University already has three joint undergraduate programmes with overseas institutions in textile, finance and logistics management, but it wants to expand its offering to other subjects, including electric information engineering, nanotechnology, material chemistry and medicine.

Action Required

Soochow University is seeking to partner with Top 30 UK universities with a strong record in the proposed subject areas. For joint postgraduate programmes, UK universities must be qualified to grant a master’s degree.

For more information regarding the above opportunity, please contact:

Xu Xun
Education Marketing Manager
British Council, Shanghai, China
T: +86(0)21 8017 3234
E: xu.xun@britishcouncil.org.cn