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Call for UK institutions to provide information on short-term courses for Japanese Senior High School students

The Ministry of Education, Culture. Sports, Science and Technology in Japan (MEXT) will introduce a new scholarship programme targeted at senior high school students who will study abroad between 14 days and 3 months. The application starts in January and ends in March 2015. In order to encourage as many students as possible to choose the UK as their destinations, the British Council Japan is planning to share on our website a list of existing short-term courses that can accept Japanese senior high school students (15-18 years old) and are suitable for this scholarship programme. The information will be targeted at school teachers as well as parents.

We will select up to approximately 20 courses in total. A list of selected courses will be shared on our website which will have a link from the MEXT website dedicated for this campaign. There will be no fees incurred. We welcome applications from UK institutions including universities, FE colleges, HE colleges and accredited English language schools, who meet the eligibility requirements to use the SIEM services [https://education-services.britishcouncil.org/eligibility-criteria].

The British Council Japan will select the courses to be included in the list based on whether the courses suit the four specific categories (please see below) of the scholarship programme.


·Courses need to fall into one of the four categories. Please read carefully descriptions about each category indicated in the information attached below.
1. Academic
2. Sports & Art
3. Professional
4. International volunteer

· Study has to commence during the period between late June 2015 and late March 2016

· Length of study from 14 days to a maximum of 3 months (more than 1 month is recommended)

·  Courses should be able to accept Japanese senior high school students (15-18 years old). It is likely that the most students will fall into the ages 16 and 17.

· Course providers need to meet the eligibility requirements to use the SIEM services [https://education-services.britishcouncil.org/eligibility-criteria]

For more detailed information on the scholarship programme, please see the attached information below.

Action Required

Please read through the attachement and fill in the course information form. Please return the form to JP_BC-SIEM@britishcouncil.org no later than 16 January 2015. We will notify course providers of the selection results by 20 January 2015.