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Call for UK institutions to participate in the TNE Zone at the Spring Exhibition 2016

UK universities are invited to participate in the British Council’s transnational education (TNE) zone at the Spring Exhibition 2016, which is scheduled to take place in Beijing on 7-8 May and in Shanghai on 15 May. The TNE Zone is now open to applications from all UK universities offering TNE programmes.

With more than 260 degree-level China-UK joint programmes and institutes approved by and listed on the website of the Ministry of Education, the UK has achieved the top position in China’s transnational education market in terms of the number of partnerships and has reached a 23 per cent market share. Nearly 57,000 mainland Chinese students are currently studying for UK qualifications in China through UK-China transnational education programmes.

An Education UK TNE Zone will be set up at the UK pavilion of the Spring Exhibition in Beijing and Shanghai.  The TNE Zone is designed specifically to provide UK universities with a platform to showcase their achievements in TNE in China, raise their profile and recruit prospective Chinese students.



The TNE zone will feature a series of promotional activities that follow a consistent format in both Beijing and Shanghai, as illustrated below.  

Overview of promotional activities:




Onsite counselling by institution representative or alumni

Face-to-face interactions with prospective students and parents


(Participation in the counselling is limited to one representative from each participating institution.  A maximum of six UK institutions may be represented at the TNE Zone)

Video screenings

Promotional films about participating institutions’ TNE programmes will be played in a loop at the TNE Zone

TNE booklet

UK institutions are invited to contribute content for a TNE booklet that will showcase TNE programmes to students and parents who visit the exhibition 


Please note, places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

British Council staff will be on hand to provide support and answer general enquiries on UK education.


Participation fee

The British Council will charge a participation fee of £200 for all the above three activities.   The British Council will charge a participation fee of £50 if UK universities participate in the video screenings or the TNE booklet only.

The participation fee, exclusive of VAT, will cover promotion, co-ordination, production of the Zone, briefing and logistical support during the event.

Please note that the participation fee will not cover international or domestic travel, accommodation, subsistence or freight.



A visa will be necessary for UK passport holders to participate in the TNE Zone. The British Council can provide invitation letters to participants who require a visa, but it is the responsibility of the applicant institution to follow the correct procedures.

Further information regarding visas for China can be found on the website of the Chinese Embassy in the UK (http://www.chinese-embassy.org.uk/eng/visa/).


Action Required

Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please complete the application form and return to Ms Mandy Deng at mandy.deng@britishcouncil.org.cn as an attachment by 1 April 2016.

If you have any enquiries, please contact:

British Council China Co-ordinator
Ms Mandy Deng
T +86 (0)20 8510 3015
E mandy.deng@britishcouncil.org.cn

Application form for the TNE Zone.pdf197.68 KB