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Call for UK institutions to participate in the Manufacturing Engineering Zone at the China International Education Exhibition Tour 2017

UK universities are invited to participate in the British Council’s Manufacturing Engineering Zone at the China International Education Exhibition Tour (CIEET) 2017, which is an education exhibition showcasing education offers from across the globe to parents and prospective students in China.  CIEET 2017 is scheduled to take place on the following dates:


25 - 26 March   


28 March 


30 March 


02 April 


04 April 


06 April 


09 April 

A Manufacturing Engineering Zone will be set up in the UK pavilion at the exhibition in all cities[1]. The Zone is designed specifically to provide UK universities with a platform to showcase their achievements in manufacturing engineering and related themes, to raise their profile in China and to recruit prospective Chinese students.

As China loses its low-end manufacturers to other countries and aspires to move up the value chain, its focus is shifting to fine-tuning the industrial structures within its economy. The Made in China 2025 (MiC2025) initiative is China’s most comprehensive and ambitious industrial plan to date, and is set to play a crucial part in this shift. The goal of the initiative is to transform China into a leading manufacturing power. MiC2025 aims to make use of technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing and big data as a remedy for ten priority sectors, including new advanced information technology; automated machine tools & robotics; aerospace and aeronautical equipment; maritime equipment and high-tech shipping; modern rail transport equipment; new-energy vehicles and equipment; power equipment; agricultural equipment; new materials; and biopharmaceuticals and advanced medical products. The MiC2025 initiative and China’s focus on these priority sectors offers UK HEIs with great opportunities to demonstrate their specialist knowledge and research into these areas and to showcase their educational offers for Chinese students looking to study these subjects abroad.

The Manufacturing Engineering Zone is now open to applications from all UK universities offering manufacturing engineering and related programmes.


The Manufacturing Engineering Zone will feature a series of promotional activities that follow a consistent format in all exhibition cities, as outlined below.  

Outline of promotional activities:



Video screenings

Promotional films about the participating institutions’ manufacturing engineering and related programmes will be played continuously at the Zone

Poster and booklet

UK institutions are invited to contribute content for an onsite poster at the Zone and a manufacturing engineering booklet that will give an overview of manufacturing engineering and related programmes to students and parents who visit the exhibition 

British Council staff will be on hand to provide support and answer general enquiries on UK education.

Participation fee

The British Council will charge a participation fee of £500 for the above activities per exhibition city.   

The participation fee, exclusive of VAT, will cover promotion, coordination, production of the Zone and logistical support during the event.



[1] Please note that a minimum of four participating institutions in each exhibition city are required for the Zone to go ahead. The British Council China retains the right to cancel the Zone if minimum participation is not achieved.


Action Required

How to apply

Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please complete the application form below and return to Ms Mandy Deng at mandy.deng@britishcouncil.org.cn as an attachment by 16 January 2017.

If you have any enquiries, please contact:

British Council China Coordinator

Ms Mandy Deng

T: +86 (0)20 8510 3015

E: mandy.deng@britishcouncil.org.cn