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Call for UK institution to host a three week police study tour from Shanghai Police College


Shanghai Police College, established in 1949, is the only full-time police higher education institution in Shanghai and the only police college awarded the status of national demonstrative higher education college by the Chinese Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance.

The college is mainly engaged in the delivery of policing degrees, training programs for newly qualified police and officers being promoted to higher ranks or administrative positions, and other training authorised by the Ministry of Public Security.

The college offers 13 degrees including investigation, national security, traffic patrol, public security, community policing and special policing. It has 42 training facilities on campus including a simulated command center, police station, jail and subway, and 45 training centres outside the campus. The college has over 1,700 qualified policemen on its teaching faculty.


Shanghai Police College is looking for a university or college offering courses in policing or investigation to host a study tour in the UK:

·         Numbers of participants:  20 adult students studying for a Diploma of Policing and two teachers from the Shanghai Police College

·         Duration: 19 days in the UK, with 14 days studying 5 hours per day and 5 days for city tours

·         Content:

o   Knowledge of policing: UK policing system, incidents conducting and management, establishment and development of social security precaution system, public security precaution and control system, crisis management and special security  issues management, anti-terrorism, fire arms knowledge, criminal interview skills, crime scene preservation, sense of self-preservation, media training

§  policing practice, including protecting community security, dealing with traffic violations and punishments for public disturbance

§  policing tactical training, including patrol and counterattack, crisis negotiation, ground based tactics, terrorism tactics, fire arms tactics, hostage rescue tactics

o   Industry Visits: To visit British Police service and Federal Judiciary for emergency response training and to learn how police operate in different scenarios.

o   On-site Observation: To observe daily training, duty service and emergency response in the police station and other locations

·         Logistics Arrangement: Transport, accommodation, meals and weekend city tours will be arranged by the provider

Certification: A training certificate should be issued to all participants upon completion of the course

Action Required

If you are interested in this opportunity, please submit a proposal with programme content and any fees/costs for the arrangements of the programme by 31st August to: siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn