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Call for UK institution to establish partnership with Jiangsu Maritime Institute


Jiangsu Maritime Institute (JMI) is looking for partners to establish:

1. A teacher exchange programme with UK universities or vocational colleges. Chinese teachers would spend from six months to one year in the UK and vice versa.
2. A training base in the UK. JMI have already established a training base in Canada. They would now like to establish a teacher training base with a British university or college to meet the specific needs of Jiangsu Maritime Institute.
3. A student exchange programme. The priority subject areas are Art, Business Administration and Shipping Logistics. The suggested format would be for study tours up to 1 month in length or participation in summer or winter camps.

JMI proposed the above mentioned programmes with the hope that they can lead to more significant projects in the future, such as a 3+1 or 3+1+1 joint degree programme in the medium term and a joint campus or institute in the long term.


JMI is the combination of Nanjing Marine School and Nanjing Shipping School, which were founded in 1951. JMI is not only one of the first schools to train ocean seamen and inland river crews after the foundation of P.R. China but also one of the first maritime schools carrying out the STCW78/95 Convention and accredited by the International Maritime Organization.

JIM has nearly 12,000 full-time students and 1,800 students continuing their adult education.

JMI has 688 faculty members, among whom 163 teachers are senior professionals. There are 21 teachers who have been awarded numerous teaching honours such as Provincial Teaching Master and Academic Leader of National Transportation Vocational Education. Over 90% of teachers have more than 1 qualification and 100 teachers hold senior crew certificates, including 25 captains and 27 chief engineers, which puts JMI in a leading position compared with similar schools.

JMI is equipped with a world class navigation simulator, a simulation marine automatic engine room and a ten-thousand-ton displacement ocean vessel named “Yu Rui”.

JMI has 11 academic units:
• School of Navigation Technology
• School of Marine Engineering
• School of Ship & Ocean Engineering
• School of Electrical Engineering & Automation
• School of Economics & Management
• School of Information Engineering
• School of Humanities & Art
• School of Continuous Education
• Department of Basic Education
• Department of Physical Education
• Department of Ideological and Political Education

JMI offers more than 40 programs including
• Navigation Technology
• Marine Engineering Technology
• Ship Engineering Technology
• Ship Electrical Engineering Technology

Several of JMI’s programs and training bases are funded by central and provincial government.

JMI has also set up a number of virtual colleges on campus, such as Jiangsu Ocean Shipping College, Jinling Ship College and New Oriental Learning Center, in partnership with a number of private sector enterprises.

Action Required

Any institution interested in this opportunity, should send a brief introduction about your institution and what aspect of partnership you would be interested in to siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn