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Call for a UK facilitator for the Forum on Graduate Employability in the format of a World Café (May 2015)

Background information

- British Council Azerbaijan
Our work in Azerbaijan focuses on Global Partnerships within higher education and contributes to the improvement of quality assurance, trans-national education, entrepreneurship and enterprise, transferrable skills and competencies. We work in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and partner Universities. Our activity includes national and regional seminars and workshops, as well as exchange of researchers, faculty staff and education professionals between the UK and Azerbaijan.

- World Café Format Forum on Graduate Employability
The aim of the world café format is to create opportunity for discussion around certain topic in order to share knowledge, explore the issue and follow-up with possibilities for the improvement of the area of interest. During the world café participants of the event sit together in groups around cafe style tables and discuss previously set topics according to the questions provided under each topic. There will be three main topics, each discussed for 30 minutes by each group during this forum. After each discussion each group will move to a new table. There will be moderators at each table who will be responsible for managing the discussion process effectively and also will put the main notes down for final presentation. At the end moderators will present the summary of all discussions around each topic and a final Q&A session will be held. The World Café will be dedicated to Graduate Employability topic and will bring together around 30 business and higher education representatives as well as Ministry of Education officials.

Terms of Reference
British Council Azerbaijan is looking for a facilitator experienced in the field of higher education and employability to facilitate the World Café Forum in Baku, Azerbaijan which will take place in May 2015. This facilitator should be engaged in conversations with businesses, higher education institutions and the Ministry of Education, and facilitate communication between them. The facilitator should be able to refer and share with their experience related to the issue of graduate employability.

The forum will be attended by representatives of 30 Azerbaijani universities and 30 businesses interested in partnerships with universities along with graduate students. The summary of results of this forum will be submitted to the Ministry and HEIs to be considered in future educational plans in order to support graduate employability.

Expenses of UK facilitator will be covered by British Council Azerbaijan including travel, airport transfers (train or bus), accommodation in Azerbaijan and subsistence. Facilitator will receive payment for one day facilitation service based on service contract.

The duration of this forum will be half a day. The event will take place in the end of May 2015. British Council Azerbaijan will be responsible for the forum implementation.

Action Required

Proposals should include information on the applicant and a brief summary of experience in the field. It should also include methods/ways cooperation are applied and partnership samples with information about current and past partnerships (or partnership models) with businesses.

Proposals (CV and one paragraph relevant experience, as well as expected pay) should be submitted to nigar.nasrullayeva@britishcouncil.az (Nigar Nasrullayeva, Education Officer, British Council Azerbaijan) before 26 April 2015.