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Call for UK alumni from China to support pre-departure briefings

In keeping with past events, we would like successful UK alumni from China to join the events to speak about their personal experience of studying in the UK and share their advice with prospective students. UK institutions are invited to nominate suitable candidates to represent their institution at the pre-departure briefings

This is an opportunity for UK institutions to increase their visibility in China and showcase the quality and impact of their educational offering to prospective students and their parents.


Volunteers’ responsibilities


•           Confirmed volunteers will offer counselling to incoming and prospective students and their parents at each institution’s information stand.

•           Selected volunteers will be invited to give a short presentation about their personal experience of studying and living in the UK to attending students and their parents.*

Staff from international offices in the UK or representative offices in China are welcome to accompany confirmed volunteers.

*Due to time limitations, not all confirmed volunteers will be invited to give a presentation. The British Council will select two volunteers from participating institutions from England, and one volunteer from participating institutions from Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland respectively to give presentations. Selections will be made on a first-come first served basis.


Volunteers must be Chinese nationals who have graduated from a UK institution within the past three years.

Each participating alumni volunteer will receive RMB100 from the British Council to cover transportation costs within China.

Action Required

Please complete the application form and send it to Diana.zhang@britishcouncil.org.cn by 15 May 2016.

application form (1).doc328 KB