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Call for Submission of Papers for Sino-British College’s Annual Conference

The Sino-British College of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology is hosting its inaugural Annual Conference in Shanghai on 27 and 28 October 2016 to mark its 10th anniversary. The topic is “Responsible Leadership, Global Citizenship, and the Role of Education – what might the last ten years tell us about the next ten years?

Held in association with British Council and Greenleaf Publishing, this is a major conference to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Sino-British College. It is designed to provide a forum for discussion on the key themes of responsible leadership, global citizenship and the role of education institutions, particularly universities, in developing students who will behave responsibly throughout their careers and be capable of operating in different cultural contexts.

For full details of the conference and its aims, please visit: www.sbc-usst.edu.cn/10years/en/event.html  


UK institutions are invited to submit presentations and full papers on the topics of the conference, which will be considered for inclusion.

For full details of the submission requirements and criteria, please visit: www.sbc-usst.edu.cn/10years/en/event.html  


Participating UK institution will:

  • have the opportunity to enhance their reputation and build their brand in China
  • have the opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas in areas of common interest

Brief introduction of the Sino-British College

The Sino-British College is an international university college established in 2006 as a joint venture between the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and nine university members of the Northern Consortium UK (the University of Bradford, the University of Huddersfield, Leeds Beckett University, the University of Leeds, Liverpool John Moores University, Manchester Metropolitan University, the University of Salford, the University of Sheffield, and Sheffield Hallam University).

As a higher education institution and joint venture, the Sino-British College is unique in two respects: first, it is the only joint venture of its kind involving British universities that has approval to operate in Shanghai; second, it offers pathways to nine UK universities, giving students considerable choice in terms of the programmes and the universities through which they can continue their studies.


30 June 2016

Topics and abstracts to be submitted

5 August 2016

Details of acceptance to be communicated

19 September 2016

Full presentations/papers to be submitted

27/28 October 2016


Action Required

UK institutions interested in this opportunity should submit a topic and abstract of no more than 300 words to conference@sbc-usst.edu.cn by 30 June 2016.

For full details of the submission requirements and criteria, please visit: www.sbc-usst.edu.cn/10years/en/event.html

For enquiries, please contact mandy.pan@sbc-usst.edu.cn