Call for session proposal: IECA Conference - 10-13 May 2017

The Independent Education Consultant Association (IECA) will be accepting session proposals from now until 1 December 2016 for their semi-annual conference in Denver, CO from 10 May to 13 May 2017. As per IECA's CEO Mark Sklarow's direction, the British Council will be submitting the session below. If you are attending the conference and would be interested in presenting with the British Council, we're looking for a group of UK international officers and one college counselor to join us in submitting this proposal. 

Title: Navigating the UK education system and the college admission process

The United Kingdom is an ideal study destination for independently minded students who are seeking a high-quality and international college experience. Hear from the British Council and representatives from a variety of UK universities about the higher education systems and study opportunities in the UK. This session will enable counselors to best advise their students and develop strategies to help them to build their UK college list. It will also provide resources for counselors and families to better understand the UK UCAS application process (i.e. predicted grades, personal statements, league tables) and where to find the most objective information about degree models, modes of assessment, and the UK’s academic culture. Find out from experts how UK universities review applications, how to make sure students stand out and what makes a ‘good fit’ student for UK college study.  

IECA is a not-for-profit, international professional association representing experienced independent educational consultants. IECA's semi-annual conferences are attended by consultants, school, college and program admissions officers, administrators and staff, and related service companies. Conferences feature thought-provoking and informative workshops and discussions led by leaders in their fields including specialists in educational trends, college admissions and boarding school issues, adolescent development, learning differences, and emotional disorders and treatments.

Action Required

If you are interested, please email