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Call for proposals: Young Learner Summer School Programme to the UK

Project Background:

There is still strong demand in China for summer school programmes. Feedback from the market indicates that high quality and diversified programmes are  most in demand among Chinese young learners. Within this market, it is normal for a single Chinese agent to deal with different types of clients, representing different age groups and learning needs.

Currently, a Chinese agent (English Language Training school) is calling for potential Young Learner educators to provide summer courses in the UK.

About the Chinese agent:

This local education organisation has experience in organising overseas summer school programmes.  In 2013, it sent over 60 students for 2/3 weeks summer school programmes in the UK. For 2014’s programme, the agent is looking for a new partner in the UK who can provide a variety of high quality courses.

Programme length:

  • 2 – 3 weeks during July – August 2014

Programme target audience:

  • Young English Learners from middle class family
  • Age: 10-18, from primary schools to high schools
  • Group size: 20. (2-4 groups in 2014) 

Location preferred:

  • Oxford
  • London

It would be preferred if the UK educator has both London and Oxford centres for junior students.



Other requirements:

1. Diversified course content.

2. Sufficient teaching resources (different teachers for different courses, to avoid the same teacher teaching for the whole programme)

3. Excursions should include the visits to Cambridge, Oxford, and local museums

4. Chinese students to be mixed with students from other countries for study. The majority of students in one class should be non-Chinese students.

The Chinese partner is also exploring the possibility of a themed summer school programme, e.g. professional piano courses. If the UK educators have the appropriate teaching resources, please feel free to attach relevant information to the proposal form.

Action Required

Please complete the proposal form and send it back to Ms Su Si (su.si@britishcouncil.org.cn) before 13 October 2013 as submission. Please notice all forms should be sent back via emails and we don’t accept fax or paper-based forms.

The British Council will charge GBP50 per head to the proposal winner as service commission.

Please note the British Council is only involved in the provision of partnership brokering services. The final decision will ultimately be made by Chinese partner from the following facts: quotation, programme design, course content, programme location, teaching resources, etc.

Details are available in the enclosed Pdf documents