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Call for proposals from UK Universities for support towards Burmese Presidential Scholarship recipients

Background on Myanmar Presidential Scholarship

Myanmar’s President Thein Sein recently announced the establishment of the Presidential Scholarship programme. This programme aims to create opportunities for outstanding Burmese students to study at overseas universities, on both Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes. A total of 4,880 applications were received for the first round of the programme, looking for suitable candidates to start programme during the 2015/16 academic year or onwards. 13% of those applied for undergraduate programmes, 38% for Masters Programmes and 48% for PhD Programmes. The scholarship administration committee is comprised of high level officials from the Ministry of Education, other ministries with education-related responsibilities and a number of international development partners. The committee have been welcoming the support from overseas higher education institutions towards the programme.

General Entry Requirements

Undergraduate Degree Applicants: Minimum of 500 overall points at Matriculation Exam or GCSE equivalent
Master’s Degree Applicants: Bachelor Honours Degree or Postgraduate Diploma Holder or equivalent
PhD Degree Applicants: Master’s Degree Holder or equivalent

Selection Process and Timeline to date

The first round of English Proficiency Test was completed in December 2014
Face-to-Face Interviews - Third week of January 2015
Six month preparation programme - February 2015

Note: Students will start applying for their universities of choice during this six-month preparation period.

Opportunity for UK Universities

This Presidential Scholarship programme will help increase the number of outbound students from Myanmar/Burma going overseas to study, particularly to western universities. Currently US, Australia and UK are the top three destinations of choice amongst western countries.

The scholarship committee would like to draw the final list of overseas universities taking part in this scheme, and hence welcome the contribution from overseas universities, including British Universities. The contribution can be in the form of financial support (waiving a percentage of the fees, or providing bursaries or other financial incentives), or allotment of confirmed quota for the scholars at particular institutions. See more information below.

Outline of the Proposal

If you would like your University to be part of this scheme, you need to send us a proposal, outlining:

• Your university’s strength in particular areas
• Background of your university
• Your interest in support towards the Presidential Scholarship
• Specific contribution you can offer towards this scheme. The contribution can be in the form of (these are just examples):
1. Financial contribution or fee-waiver towards tuition fees
2. Financial contribution or tuition waiver towards pre-sessional courses for the scholars who doesn’t meet the certain entry requirements (some of the undergraduate applicants might have GCSE or equivalent qualifications)
3. Financial contribution or tuition waiver towards foundation or pre-Masters course
4. Free accommodation provision for the scholars
5. State clearly on general entry requirement that the scholars need to fulfil to get entry into your programmes

Deadline for the proposal submission

The deadline which is initially set on 15 January 2015 is now postponed to 28 January 2015. The proposal should sent via Myat Lay Tint, Programme Coordinator, British Council Myanmar at myatlay.tint@mm.britishcouncil.org, and addressing the proposal to:

Head of Office
Ministry of Education
Subject: Proposal towards Myanmar Presidential Scholarship

Action Required

The deadline which is initially set on 15 January 2015 is now postponed to 28 January 2015. The proposal should sent via Myat Lay Tint, Programme Coordinator, British Council Myanmar at myatlay.tint@mm.britishcouncil.org, and addressing the proposal to:

Head of Office
Ministry of Education
Subject: Proposal towards Myanmar Presidential Scholarship