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Call for Proposals: UK Government Prosperity Fund in China - updated Project Proposal Form


In November 2015, the UK Government announced a £1.3 billion Prosperity Fund over the next five years to promote the economic reform and development needed for growth in partner countries.  As well as contributing to a reduction in poverty in recipient countries, the reforms are expected to create commercial opportunities for international businesses and institutions, including those from the UK. 

The Prosperity Fund education programme in China is centered on supporting education reform to further sustainable development of China and the objectives of the most recent Five Year Plan. Alignment with UK expertise and strengths is expected to provide new market opportunities for UK education businesses and institutions to increase education exports to China.

This is a call for proposals for pilot projects, which will inform the design, development and implementation of a prospective, large-scale Prosperity Fund education programme in China over the subsequent years of the Prosperity Fund (2017-21). Implementation of pilot projects will need to start no later than October 2016 to be completed by January / February 2017. 


Proposals for pilot projects are invited in the following priority areas:

  • Creative Industries
  • Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Education
  • Vocational Education
  • Executive Leadership & Management
  • Health Education

All proposals must include a partnership of at least one Chinese implementing partner.

Please refer to the downloadable documents for a more detailed overview of the funding opportunity and to find out more on who can apply, priority areas, strategic objectives, assessment criteria and timelines.

This call for proposals process is being jointly managed by the British Council and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) in Beijing. Successful bidders will enter into project agreements with the UK Government, through the FCO in Beijing.  Any funding for this programme will constitute Official Development Assistance.


The Prosperity Fund accepts proposals from civil society, governments, think-tanks, commercial organisations, as well as any other bodies with relevant experience in international education including, but not limited to:

  • universities/colleges/schools;
  • education sector bodies;
  • education authorities;
  • research organisations;
  • awarding bodies;
  • private organisations offering education services and/or products

Action Required

Please complete the application form and Activity Based Budget (ABB) form and email it along with all supporting documentation to prosperityfund@britishcouncil.org.cn by 23:59 pm GMT on Thursday 15 September 2016.

Any enquiries about the Prosperity Fund 2016/17 education programme or the bidding process can also be sent to the above email address.

For more information and forms, please refer to: https://www.britishcouncil.cn/en/programmes/education/prosperity