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Call for Proposals: Training Programme on Quality Assessment of University Distance Education - Peru

British Council in Peru is looking for a consultant or consultants in the UK with proven and extensive experience in quality assurance promotion and supervision in higher education, in the UK and internationally. In-depth knowledge and understanding of quality assurance systems and regulatory frameworks is required. Experience in training and consultation in the HE sector with focus on quality assurance supervision and distance education quality assessment.

Objectives and Approach
The Consultant(s) should develop a Training Programme on Quality Assessment of University Distance Education, in line with quality assurance requirements. The training will be provided for twenty supervisory staff at SUNEDU - the National Superintendence of University Higher Education.

The programme aims to have the staff members complete the training with an action plan so that they can apply what they learn in their work. Support will also be provided in planning further actions through follow-up sessions. Evidence and results from the training needs to be recorded.

Given the need to develop a fully online programme, the consultant(s) need to specify the platform for the training sessions.

The consultant(s) will also deliver the training online, and in Spanish, making appropriate use of digital resources and tools. The course will consist of a total of 16 hours of synchronous webinars/workshops besides offline assignments. If the consultant cannot provide the training in Spanish, they need to include the cost of simultaneous translation for the sessions as well as translation of key materials and presentations.

Action Required

Please see the Request for Proposals attached for full details.
You can also find attached a model contract, a submission template and pricing approach (Annexes 1 - 3).

All documents required as part of your tender response should be submitted to william.machaca@britishcouncil.org with the subject Training Programme on Quality Assessment of University Distance Education by the 27 October 2020.