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Call for proposals for Partnership to support the Hornby Scholarship programme

The AS Hornby Trust Educational Trust CIO (www.hornby-trust.org.uk) and British Council seek proposals from UK universities willing to enter into a partnership to support three years of the prestigious Hornby Scholarship programme across academic years 2023/24 – 2025/26. The partnership will involve up to 30 fully-funded scholars over the three years, for which the trust will provide grant funding of up to £1 million. 

The Trust supports the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language internationally, especially through providing scholarships and grants. The Trust works with the support of the British Council to prioritise the capacity building of English language professionals in low- and middle-income countries. The Trust has been engaged internationally in these activities for over 60 years. Key professional programmes, managed with the support of the British Council, include the provision of a highly successful scholarship programme (for MA international scholars in the UK), development workshops overseas and funding other projects run by, and in cooperation, with Hornby alumni and local English Teachers Associations.


The Trust supports the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language internationally, especially through providing scholarships and grants. The Trust works with the support of the British Council to prioritise the capacity building of English language professionals in low- and middle-income countries. The Trust has been engaged internationally in these activities for over 60 years. Key professional programmes, managed with the support of the British Council, include the provision of a highly successful scholarship programme (for MA international scholars in the UK), development workshops overseas and funding other projects run by, and in cooperation, with Hornby alumni and local English Teachers Associations.

The ‘Partnership for Scholarships’ aims to:

  • Offer MA TESOL study opportunities through face-to-face delivery in the UK.
  • Select high performing applicants for Hornby Scholarships on the basis of their academic competencies, professional background, abilities as EL professionals and their demonstrated commitment to apply subsequently the knowledge and skills gained through the programme within the contexts of their own countries.
  • Enable individuals to promote and enhance the field of English language teaching and learning in their home country through the experiences of their UK MA programme and associated activities.
  • Facilitate scholars' engagement in the wider activities of the network of Hornby alumni both in their own country and globally.
  • Encourage scholars to contribute to global knowledge, expertise and communities of practice, concerning the teaching of English as a foreign language.
  • Contribute to the global body of knowledge, expertise and communities of practice concerning the teaching of English.

Partnership proposals are welcomed from UK higher education institutions that offer high quality Master’s degree programmes in TESOL and related areas. They must also be listed on the UK Home Office Register of Student Route Sponsors (approved Education Providers) and be QAA/OfS/SFC/HEFCW/DfE inspected and approved. Proposals should reflect the objectives of the Hornby Trust, together with the specific requirements set out in these Terms of Reference. The proposing university must have a commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion values (EDI).

Deadline for submission of expression of interest and clarification questions 23.59 (BST) Wednesday 14 September 2022.



Action Required

If interested the organisation should send an expression of interest to jenny.allott@hornby-trust.org.uk and copied to Hornbyscholarships@britishcouncil.org. The expression of interest should be in the form of an email, which includes the name of the institution, the name and email address of the lead contact at the institution for communications and names and the email addresses of other individuals, who should be invited to an information webinar which will take place on 19 September 2022

If the EOI deadline is missed, this does not preclude the institution from subsequently submitting a full proposal. However there will be no other information webinar and no other opportunity to ask clarification questions.

For full details, please see the call documents attached.

Deadline for submission of expression of interest and clarification questions 23.59 (BST) Wednesday 14 September 2022.

Attend an information webinar on Monday 19 September 11.00–12.00 (BST).

Deadline for submission of proposal Monday 17 October 2022.

The evaluation process 18–28 October 2022.

Decisions on awards: 28 October 2022.

Contracts finalised by 18 November 2022.

Launch of Scholarship promotional activities end of November 2022.