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Call for Proposals - English-Language Course for Colombian Young Learners

A client of the British Council in Colombia is looking for a four week British Council Accredited language course provider in the UK, to provide 15 hours of English language teaching per week for a group of young English language students from Colombia. Preferably, the course will be a combination of classes in the morning, a range of social and cultural activities in the afternoons, with cultural excursions on the weekends. Ideally, the client would like the classes to be integrated with students from other countries to promote intercultural relations and the use of the English Language. For more detailed information please see the attached Call for Proposal.

Proposals must be submitted no later than Wednesday 12 September 2018, and the attached form must be used. Please direct any enquires to Katie McColl.

Action Required

Proposals must be submitted no later than Wednesday 12 September 2018, and the attached form must be used. Please direct any enquires to Katie McColl.