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*Call for proposals* - English and ESP Course for Colombian Creative Industries Practitioners

As part of its 80th Anniversary celebration, the British Council in Colombia will be launching the BRICC English (British Council Colombia Creative Industries, for its acronym in Spanish) scholarship programme. We will be offering 30 scholarships to Colombian Creative Industries practitioners interested in improving their general English and technical language skills with a specific interest in:
• Music
• Cinema & TV
• or Performing Arts

We are seeking proposals for an 8-week course, which consists of 21 hours of contact time per week combining General English lessons plus an emphasis in one of the above-mentioned creative industries sector. It should also include a range of activities, visits and complementary work which will expose students to British culture and to their Creative Industries sector.

The call is open to all institutions who can comply with the requirements set in the attached pdf.

Action Required

Please see attached pdf for more details.

Proposals should be sent to barbara.decastro@britishcouncil.org.co, copying in eltplacement@britishcouncil.org.co by no later than day, 10 April 2019 at 12:00 pm UK time. Subject line: “Proposal – General English plus Creative Industries Course for Colombians, 2019”

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