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Call for proposals - 2 opportunities: Teaching Methodology Course and General English Course for Colombian University Staff

We are looking for British Council accredited language course providers in the UK to offer a 4 week Teaching Methodology Course for Colombian university teachers (all subjects) and a 4 week General English-Language Course for Colombian university staff in June-July 2019. Both courses should be a combination of 20 hours per week of classes in the mornings, a range of sporting and cultural activities in the afternoons, with cultural excursions on the weekends.

Teaching Methodology Course

The students in the group will have an intermediate command of the English language (B1-B2 level), so we are looking for a Teaching Methodology Course to improve overall teaching skills, including innovation and inclusion in the classroom, evaluation methods, project leadership. They would like it to be a closed-group. Please see attached call for proposals for more details.

General English-Language Course with Soft Skills 

The students in the group will have an intermediate command of the English language (B1-B2 level), so we are looking for a course which covers general-English plus an additional component of Soft Skills (team work, problem solving, leadership, time management etc.). They would like it to be a closed-group. Please see attached call for proposals for more details


UK language providers can apply for one or both of the opportunities. 


Proposals must be submitted no later than Thursday 31 January 2019, and the attached submission form must be used. Please direct any enquires to Katie McColl.

Action Required

Proposals must be submitted in a single PDF document using the attached template by no later than Thursday 31 January 2019. No additional documents will be accepted. Please direct any enquires to Katie McColl.